Publications of Christoph Mahrdt

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Abich, K.; Braxmaier, C.; Gohlke, M.; Sanjuan, J.; Abramovici, A.; Okihiro, B. B.; Barr, D. C.; Bize, M. P.; Burke, M. J.; Clark, K. C. et al.; de Vine, G.; Dickson, J. A.; Dubovitsky, S.; Folkner, W. M.; Francis, S.; Gilbert, M. S.; Katsumura, M.; Klipstein, W.; Larsen, K.; Liebe, C. C.; Liu, J.; McKenzie, K.; Morton, P. R.; Murray, A. T.; Nguyen, D. J.; Ravich, J. A.; Shaddock, D.; Spero, R.; Spiers, G.; Sutton, A.; Trinh, J.; Wang, D.; Wang, R. T.; Ware, B.; Woodruff, C.; Amparan, B.; Davis, M. A.; Howell, J.; Kruger, M.; Lobmeyer, L.; Pierce, R.; Reavis, G.; Sileo, M.; Stephens, M.; Baatzsch, A.; Dahl, C.; Dahl, K.; Gilles, F.; Hager, P.; Herding, M.; Kaufer, M.; Nicklaus, K.; Voss, K.; Bogan, C.; Danzmann, K.; Fernandez Barranco, G.; Heinzel, G.; Koch, A.; Mahrdt, C.; Misfeldt, M.; Müller, V.; Reiche, J.; Schütze, D.; Sheard, B.; Stede , G.; Wegener, H.; Eckardt, A.; Guenther, B.; Mangoldt, T.; Zender, B.; Ester, T.; Heine, F.; Seiter, C.; Windisch, S.; Flatscher, R.; Flechtner, F.; Grossard, N.; Hauden, J.; Hinz, M.; Leikert, T.; Zimmermann, M.; Lebeda, A.; Lebeda, A.: In-Orbit Performance of the GRACE Follow-on Laser Ranging Interferometer. Physical Review Letters 123, 031101 (2019)
Journal Article
Koch, A.; Sanjuan, J.; Gohlke, M.; Mahrdt, C.; Brause, N.; Braxmaier, C.; Heinzel, G.: Line of sight calibration for the laser ranging interferometer on-board the GRACE Follow-On mission: on-ground experimental validation. Optics Express 26 (20), pp. 25892 - 25908 (2018)
Journal Article
Luo, Z.; Wang, Q.; Mahrdt, C.; Goerth, A.; Heinzel, G.: Possible alternative acquisition scheme for the gravity recovery and climate experiment follow-on-type mission. Applied Optics 56 (5), pp. 1495 - 1500 (2017)
Journal Article
Wuchenich, D. M. R.; Mahrdt, C.; Sheard, B.; Francis, S. P.; Spero, R. E.; Miller, J.; Mow-Lowry, C. M.; Ward, R. L.; Klipstein, W. M.; Heinzel, G. et al.; Danzmann, K.; McClelland, D. E.; Shaddock, D. A.: Laser link acquisition demonstration for the GRACE Follow-On mission. Optics Express 22 (9), pp. 11351 - 11366 (2014)
Journal Article
Wanner, G.; Heinzel, G.; Kochkina, E.; Mahrdt, C.; Sheard, B.; Schuster, S.; Danzmann, K.: Methods for simulating the readout of lengths and angles in laser interferometers with Gaussian beams. Optics Communications 285 (24), pp. 4831 - 4839 (2012)
Journal Article
Harms, J.; Mahrdt, C.; Otto, M.; Prieß, M.: Subtraction-noise projection in gravitational-wave detector networks. Physical Review D 77 (12), 123010 (2008)

Conference Paper (6)

Conference Paper
Dahl , C.; Baatzsch, A.; Dehne, M.; Gilles, F.; Hager, P.; Herding, M.; Nicklaus, K.; Voss, K.; Abich, K.; Braxmaier, C. et al.; Gohlke, M.; Guenther, B.; Sanjuan, J.; Zender, B.; Fernandez Barranco, G.; Görth, A.; Mahrdt, C.; Müller, V.; Schütze , D.; Stede , G.; Heinzel, G.: Laser ranging interferometer on Grace follow-on. In: SPIE Proceedings, 10562. International Conference on Space Optics — ICSO 2016, Biarritz, France, October 18, 2016 - October 21, 2016. (2017)
Conference Paper
Heinzel, G.; Sheard, B.; Brause, N.; Danzmann, K.; Dehne, M.; Gerberding, O.; Mahrdt, C.; Müller, V.; Schütze , D.; Stede , G. et al.; Klipstein, W.; Folkner, W.; Spero, R.; Nicklaus, K.; Gath, P.; Shaddock, D.: Laser ranging interferometer for GRACE follow-on. In: Proceedings of SPIE Volume 10564, 1056420. International Conference on Space Optics 2012, Ajaccio, Corsica, France, October 09, 2012 - October 12, 2012. (2017)
Conference Paper
Wanner, G.; Kochkina , E.; Mahrdt, C.; Müller, V.; Schuster, S.; Heinzel, G.; Danzmann, K.: Simulating laser interferometers for missions such as (E)Lisa, Lisa pathfinder and Grace follow-on. In: Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10563, 105632G. International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 2014, La Caleta, Tenerife, Canary Islands, October 07, 2014 - October 10, 2014. (2017)
Conference Paper
Abich, K.; Bogan, C.; Braxmaier, C.; Danzmann, K.; Dehne, M.; Gohlke, M.; Görth, A.; Heinzel, G.; Herding, M.; Mahrdt, C. et al.; Müller, V.; Nicklaus, K.; Sanjuan, J.; Schütze , D.; Sheard, B.; Stede, G.; Voss, K.: GRACE-Follow On Laser Ranging Interferometer: German contribution. 10th International LISA Symposium, Florida, USA, May 18, 2014 - May 23, 2014. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 610, 012010, (2015)
Conference Paper
Kochkina, E.; Heinzel, G.; Wanner, G.; Müller, V.; Mahrdt, C.; Sheard, B.; Schuster, S.; Danzmann, K.: Simulating and Optimizing Laser Interferometers. 9th LISA Symposium, Bibliothéque Nationale de France, Paris, May 21, 2012 - May 25, 2012. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series 467, pp. 291 - 292 (2013)
Conference Paper
Schütze, D.; Stede, G.; Müller, V.; Gerberding, O.; Mahrdt, C.; Sheard, B.; Heinzel, G.; Danzmann, K.: LISA-like Laser Ranging for GRACE Follow-on. 9th LISA Symposium, Paris, May 21, 2012 - May 25, 2012. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series 467, pp. 285 - 290 (2013)

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