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Journal Article
88, 104021 (2013)
Octahedron configuration for a displacement noise-cancelling gravitational wave detector in space. Physical Review D 2.
Journal Article
29 (20), 205003 (2012)
TDI and clock noise removal for the split interferometry configuration of LISA. Classical and quantum gravity 3.
Journal Article
77 (12), 123010 (2008)
Subtraction-noise projection in gravitational-wave detector networks. Physical Review D 4.
Rechenmethoden für Studierende der Physik im ersten Jahr. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg u.a. (2011), 380 pp.
Conference Paper
28 (9), 094008 , (2011)
Auxiliary functions of the LISA laser link: ranging, clock noise transfer and data communication. 8th International LISA Symposium, Stanford University, California, USA, June 28, 2010 - July 02, 2010. Classical and quantum gravity