Links, games, and more
Games and apps
Black Hole Hunter
Hear the universe. Play Black Hole Hunter to search for gravitational waves and uncover for yourself Einstein's legacy.
Space Time Quest
Space Time Quest is a fun game developed by gravitational wave scientists working in the LIGO collaboration. The game puts you in charge of designing your own gravitational wave detector.
Black Hole Master
Black Hole Master is a light-hearted remake of the old classic Pong, except with a cosmic twist!
Stretch and Squash
Stretch and Squash demonstrated how a passing gravitational wave would stretch and squash the distances between objects.
Pocket Black Hole
Pocket Black Hole is a simple app that allows you to play with the light-bending effect of a black hole. Take a selfie, or a photo of your friends, with a black hole!
Haus der Astronomie
Center for Astronomy Education and Outreach
open and interactive mathematics
homepage of the distributed volunteer computing project
Social media
Mastodon account @mpi_grav
of the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
Mastodon account @einsteinathome
of the distributed computing project Einstein@Home
YouTube channel @mpi_grav
of the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics