Publications of Marina Dehne

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Dehne, M.; Tröbs, M.; Heinzel, G.; Danzmann, K.: Verification of polarising optics for the LISA optical bench. Optics Express 20 (25), pp. 27273 - 27287 (2012)
Journal Article
Dehne, M.; Guzman Cervantes, F.; Sheard, B.; Heinzel, G.; Danzmann, K.: Laser interferometer for spaceborne mapping of the Earth's gravity field. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 154, 012023 (2009)

Conference Paper (4)

Conference Paper
Heinzel, G.; Sheard, B.; Brause, N.; Danzmann, K.; Dehne, M.; Gerberding, O.; Mahrdt, C.; Müller, V.; Schütze , D.; Stede , G. et al.; Klipstein, W.; Folkner, W.; Spero, R.; Nicklaus, K.; Gath, P.; Shaddock, D.: Laser ranging interferometer for GRACE follow-on. In: Proceedings of SPIE Volume 10564, 1056420. International Conference on Space Optics 2012, Ajaccio, Corsica, France, October 09, 2012 - October 12, 2012. (2017)
Conference Paper
d'Arcio, L.; Bogenstahl, J.; Dehne, M.; Diekmann, C.; Fitzsimons, E. D.; Fleddermann, R.; Granova, E.; Heinzel, G.; Hogenhuis, H.; Killow, C. J. et al.; Perreur-Lloyd, M.; Pijnenburg, J.; Robertson, D. I.; Shoda, A.; Sohmer, A.; Taylor, A.; Tröbs, M.; Wanner, G.; Ward, H.; Weise, D.: Optical bench development for LISA. In: ICSO 2010 Proceedings. ICSO 2010 - International Conference on Space Optics , Rhodes Island, Greece , October 04, 2010 - October 08, 2010. (2010)
Conference Paper
Dehne, M.; Guzman Cervantes, F.; Sheard, B.; Heinzel, G.; Danzmann, K.: Laser interferometer for a GRACE follow-on mission. In: Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation (Ed. Mertikas, S. P.). IAG International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation GGEO 2008, Chania, Crete, Greece, June 23, 2008 - June 27, 2008. (2010)
Conference Paper
Meier, T.; Willke, B.; Dehne, M.; Danzmann, K.: Investigation of the Self-Injection Locked Behaviour of a Continuous Wave Nd:YAG Ring Laser. In: Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2009 and 2009 Conference on Quantum electronics and Laser Science Conference. CLEO/QELS 2009., pp. 1 - 2. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, Maryland, May 31, 2009. IEEE (2009)

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