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Euclid opens data treasure trove, offers glimpse of deep fields

ESA’s Euclid mission releases first survey data more

Neural network deciphers gravitational waves from merging neutron stars in a second

Machine learning method could revolutionize multi-messenger astronomy more

The image shows a view of a huge cluster of galaxies with numerous luminous galaxies distributed in a dark universe. In the center of the image is a large elliptical galaxy surrounded by a faint golden glow. A highlighted section shows a magnified view of a gravitational lensing effect: a distant galaxy is distorted by the gravity of the galaxy cluster into an almost perfect Einstein ring.

With Einstein on crooked paths

February 27, 2025

Annual fundraising project supports search for gravitational waves deflected by gravity more

Happy 20<sup>th</sup> birthday, Einstein@Home!

The distributed volunteer computing project was launched on this day in 2005. more

Girls' Day 2025 at AEI Hannover

Laser light and black holes – insights into physics more

An artistic representation of a magnetar, an extremely dense type of neutron star with an extremely strong magnetic field. The magnetar emits intense blue light, surrounded by complex magnetic field lines that extend through space. Numerous stars in the universe can be seen in the background.

Data from the German-British GEO600 detector helps to understand the formation processes of these extreme cosmic events. more

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