The Library at the Albert Einstein Institute
The library supports the institute’s scientific work by providing literature and research information services.
We offer advice for finding various information resources, for publishing your papers in our repository MPG.PuRe, and we offer library introductions for interested AEI members.
Scientists from other institutions are welcome to use the library. Please contact us.
Use of the library
The library is located to the right of the institute's entrance and is permanently open to AEI staff.
Loan rules
Staff and guests of the Institute may borrow books, bound volumes of periodicals and individual issues of journals and take them with them to their offices. In order for other interested users to know where the borrowed books and journals can be found, they must be entered in the loan book. If books and journals are taken from the offices, this must be noted on the pad next to the door.
It is not allowed to remove books and journals from the institute!
Please make yourself familiar with the rules so that we can continue to run the library in a flexible and user-friendly way.
If you have any questions, please contact the librarian.
Important notice:
The computer in the library is subject to certain restrictions regarding editing, saving and downloading of documents. Please consult the IT department in advance.
Library Services
Document Delivery / Interlibrary loan
We can order most material (books and articles) within short time from other libraries in Germany or abroad. Please send us an e-mail with the details of the material you request.
Request a Purchase
Missing a book in the library? Please send us an e-mail with the details. Purchase suggestions are always welcome!
Plagiarism check
iThenticate is a leading plagiarism checker service. It makes it easier for you to identify and attribute any material in that may contain unintentional plagiarism. As an author you can ensure that you have sufficiently cited your sources. As an reviewer it can help you to detect plagiarism and attribution issues that could potentially damage reputations or spawn repercussions like financial and legal obligations.
Printing & Photocopies & Scanning
You can print, scan or copy material in the library. Please comply to German copyright law when scanning or copying.
- Book scanner (1st floor)
- Binding machines (2nd floor)
You'll find instructions near the equipment or just ask us. We also offer scanning as a service to AEI members.