Publications of Nils Vu

Journal Article (10)

Journal Article
Mitman, K.; Lagos, M.; Stein, L. C.; Ma, S.; Hui, L.; Chen, Y.; Deppe, N.; Hébert, F.; Kidder, L. E.; Moxon, J. et al.; Scheel, M. A.; Teukolsky, S. A.; Throwe, W.; Vu, N.: Nonlinearities in black hole ringdowns. Physical Review Letters 130 (8), 081402 (2023)
Journal Article
Moxon, J.; Scheel, M. A.; Teukolsky, S. A.; Deppe, N.; Vu, N.; Hébert, F.; Kidder, L. E.; Throwe, W.: The SpECTRE Cauchy-characteristic evolution system for rapid, precise waveform extraction. Physical Review D 107 (6), 064013 (2023)
Journal Article
Pompili, L.; Buonanno, A.; Estellés Estrella, H.; Khalil, M.; van de Meent, M.; Mihaylov, D.; Ossokine, S.; Pürrer, M.; Ramos Buades, A.; Mehta, A. K. et al.; Cotesta, R.; Marsat, S.; Boyle , M.; Kidder , L. E.; Pfeiffer, H. P.; Scheel, M. A.; Rüter, H. R.; Vu, N.; Dudi, R.; Ma , S.; Mitman, K.; Melchor, D.; Thomas, S.; Sanchez, J.: Laying the foundation of the effective-one-body waveform models SEOBNRv5: Improved accuracy and efficiency for spinning nonprecessing binary black holes. Physical Review D 108 (12), 124035 (2023)
Journal Article
Vu, N.; Rodriguez, S.; Wlodarczyk , T.; Lovelace, G.; Pfeiffer, H. P.; Bonilla, G. S.; Deppe, N.; Hébert, F.; Kidder, L. E.; Moxon, J. et al.; Throwe, W.: High-accuracy numerical models of Brownian thermal noise in thin mirror coatings. Classical and Quantum Gravity 40 (2), 025015 (2023)
Journal Article
Yoo, J.; Mitman, K.; Varma, V.; Boyle, M.; Field, S. E.; Deppe, N.; Hébert, F.; Kidder, L. E.; Moxon, J.; Pfeiffer, H. P. et al.; Scheel, M. A.; Stein, L. C.; Teukolsky, S. A.; Throwe, W.; Vu, N.: Numerical relativity surrogate model with memory effects and post-Newtonian hybridization. Physical Review D 108 (6), 064027 (2023)
Journal Article
Fischer, N.; Pfeiffer, H. P.: Unified discontinuous Galerkin scheme for a large class of elliptic equations. Physical Review D 105 (2), 024034 (2022)
Journal Article
Ma, S.; Mitman, K.; Sun, L.; Deppe, N.; Hébert, F.; Kidder, L. E.; Moxon, J.; Throwe, W.; Vu, N.; Chen, Y.: Quasinormal-mode filters: a new approach to analyze the gravitational-wave ringdown of binary black-hole mergers. Physical Review D 106 (8), 084036 (2022)
Journal Article
Ma, S.; Wang, Q.; Deppe, N.; Fischer, N.; Hébert, F.; Kidder, L. E.; Moxon, J.; Throwe, W.; Scheel, M. A.; Chen, Y.: Gravitational-wave echoes from numerical-relativity waveforms via space-time construction near merging compact objects. Physical Review D 105 (10), 104007 (2022)
Journal Article
Mitman, K.; Stein, L. C.; Boyle, M.; Deppe, N.; Hébert, F.; Kidder, L. E.; Moxon, J.; Scheel, M. A.; Teukolsky, S. A.; Throwe, W. et al.; Vu, N.: Fixing the BMS Frame of Numerical Relativity Waveforms with BMS Charges. Physical Review D 106 (8), 084029 (2022)
Journal Article
Vu, N.; Pfeiffer, H.; Bonilla, G. S.; Deppe, N.; Hébert, F.; Kidder, L. E.; Lovelace, G.; Moxon, J.; Scheel, M. A.; Teukolsky, S. A. et al.; Throwe, W.; Wittek, N.; Włodarczyk , T.: A scalable elliptic solver with task-based parallelism for the SpECTRE numerical relativity code. Physical Review D 105, 084027 (2022)

Working Paper (1)

Working Paper
Düll, M.; Fischer, N.; Schaefer, B. M.; Schuller, F. P.: Symmetric gravitational closure. (2020)

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