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Journal Article
14 (1), 014030 (2020)
Optical suppression of tilt-to-length coupling in the LISA long-arm interferometer. Physical Review Applied 2.
Journal Article
28 (23), pp. 34894 - 34903 (2020)
Fiber backscatter under increasing exposure to ionizing radiation. Optics Express 3.
Journal Article
35 (8), 085009 (2018)
Towards the LISA Backlink: Experiment design for comparing optical phase reference distribution systems. Classical and quantum gravity 4.
Journal Article
35 (10), 105001 (2018)
Reducing tilt-to-length coupling for the LISA test mass interferometer. Classical and quantum gravity 5.
Journal Article
33 (24), 245015 (2016)
Design and construction of an optical test bed for LISA imaging systems and tilt-to-length coupling. Classical and Quantum Gravity