Publications of Luciano Rezzolla

Journal Article (99)

Journal Article
Barausse, E.; Morozova, V.; Rezzolla, L.: On the mass radiated by coalescing black-hole binaries: Erratum ApJ, 2012, 758, 63. The Astrophysical Journal 786 (1), 76 (2014)
Journal Article
Damour, T.; Guercilena, F.; Hinder, I.; Hopper, S.; Nagar, A.; Rezzolla, L.: Strong-Field Scattering of Two Black Holes: Numerics Versus Analytics. Physical Review D 89, 081503 (2014)
Journal Article
Falcke, H.; Rezzolla, L.: Fast radio bursts: the last sign of supramassive neutron stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 562, A137 (2014)
Journal Article
Haskell, B.; Ciolfi, R.; Pannarale, F.; Rezzolla, L.: On the universality of I-Love-Q relations in magnetized neutron stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 438, pp. L71 - L75 (2014)
Journal Article
Hinder, I.; Buonanno, A.; Boyle, M.; Etienne, Z. B.; Healy, J.; Johnson-McDaniel, N. K.; Nagar, A.; Nakano, H.; Pan, Y.; Pfeiffer, H. P. et al.; Pürrer, M.; Reisswig, C.; Scheel, M. A.; Schnetter, E.; Sperhake, U.; Szilagyi, B.; Tichy, W.; Wardell, B.; Zenginoglu, A.; Alic, D.; Bernuzzi, S.; Bode, T.; Brügmann, B.; Buchman, L. T.; Campanelli, M.; Chu, T.; Damour, T.; Grigsby, J. D.; Hannam, M.; Haas, R.; Hemberger, D. A.; Husa, S.; Kidder, L. E.; Laguna, P.; London, L.; Lovelace, G.; Lousto, C. O.; Marronetti, P.; Matzner, R. A.; Mösta, P.; Mroué, A.; Müller, D.; Mundim, B. C.; Nerozzi, A.; Paschalidis, V.; Pollney, D.; Reifenberger, G.; Rezzolla, L.; Shapiro, S. L.; Shoemaker, D.; Taracchini, A.; Taylor, N. W.; Teukolsky, S. A.; Thierfelder, M.; Witek, H.; Zlochower, Y.; The NRAR Collaboration: Error-analysis and comparison to analytical models of numerical waveforms produced by the NRAR Collaboration. Classical and quantum gravity 31 (2), 025012 (2014)
Journal Article
Messenger, C.; Takami , K.; Gossan, S.; Rezzolla, L.; Sathyaprakash, B. .: Source Redshifts from Gravitational-Wave Observations of Binary Neutron Star Mergers. Physical Review X 4, 041004 (2014)
Journal Article
Radice, D.; Rezzolla, L.; Galeazzi, F.: Beyond second-order convergence in simulations of binary neutron stars in full general-relativity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 437, pp. L46 - L50 (2014)
Journal Article
Radice, D.; Rezzolla, L.; Galeazzi, F.: High-Order Fully General-Relativistic Hydrodynamics: new Approaches and Tests. Classical and quantum gravity 31 (7), 075012 (2014)
Journal Article
Rezzolla, L.; Zhidenko, A.: New parametrization for spherically symmetric black holes in metric theories of gravity. Physical Review D 90, 084009 (2014)
Journal Article
Siegel, D. M.; Ciolfi, R.; Rezzolla, L.: Magnetically driven winds from differentially rotating neutron stars and X-ray afterglows of short gamma-ray bursts. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 785, L6 (2014)
Journal Article
Takami, K.; Rezzolla, L.; Baiotti, L.: Constraining the Equation of State of Neutron Stars from Binary Mergers. Physical Review Letters 113, 091104 (2014)
Journal Article
Alic, D.; Kastaun, W.; Rezzolla, L.: Constraint-damping of the CCZ4 formulation in simulations of binary neutron stars. Physical Review D 88, 064049 (2013)
Journal Article
Ciolfi, R.; Rezzolla, L.: Twisted-torus configurations with large toroidal magnetic fields in relativistic stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 435, pp. L43 - L47 (2013)
Journal Article
Dionysopoulou, K.; Alic, D.; Palenzuela, C.; Rezzolla, L.; Giacomazzo, B.: General-Relativistic Resistive Magnetohydrodynamics in three dimensions: formulation and tests. Physical Review D 88 (4), 044020 (2013)
Journal Article
Franci, L.; De Pietri, R.; Dionysopoulou, K.; Rezzolla, L.: Dynamical bar-mode instability in rotating and magnetized relativistic stars. Physical Review D 88 (10), 104028 (2013)
Journal Article
Franci, L.; De Pietri, R.; Dionysopoulou, K.; Rezzolla, L.: Bar-mode instability suppression in magnetized relativistic stars. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 470, 012008 (2013)
Journal Article
Galeazzi, F.; Kastaun, W.; Rezzolla, L.; Font, J. A.: Implementation of a simplified approach to radiative transfer in general relativity. Physical Review D 88, 064009 (2013)
Journal Article
Giacomazzo, B.; Perna, R.; Rezzolla, L.; Troja, E.; Lazzati, D.: Compact Binary Progenitors of Short Gamma-Ray Bursts. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 762, L18 (2013)
Journal Article
Kastaun, W.; Galeazzi, F.; Alic, D.; Rezzolla, L.; Font, J. A.: On the black hole from merging binary neutron stars: how fast can it spin? Physical Review D 88, 021501 (2013)
Journal Article
Radice, D.; Abdikamalov, E.; Rezzolla, L.; Ott, C. D.: A New Spherical Harmonics Scheme for Multi-Dimensional Radiation Transport I: Static Matter Configurations. Journal of Computational Physics 242, pp. 648 - 669 (2013)

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