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Journal Article
109 (6), 064056 (2024)
Gravitational wave populations and cosmology with neural posterior estimation. Physical Review D 2.
Journal Article
692, A165 (2024)
The interacting double white dwarf population with LISA; stochastic foreground and resolved sources. Astronomy & Astrophysics 3.
Journal Article
109 (10), 104019 (2024)
Measuring source properties and quasinormal mode frequencies of heavy massive black-hole binaries with LISA. Physical Review D 4.
Journal Article
106 (615 ), 064056 (2022)
Observing GW190521-like binary black holes and their environment with LISA. Physical Review D 5.
Journal Article
106 (10), 104034 (2022)
Detectability and parameter estimation of GWTC-3 events with LISA. Physical Review D 6.
Working Paper
Reconciling PTA and JWST and preparing for LISA with POMPOCO: a Parametrisation Of the Massive black hole POpulation for Comparison to Observations. (2024)
Working Paper
Systematic Biases in Estimating the Properties of Black Holes Due to Inaccurate Gravitational-Wave Models. (2024)
Working Paper
LISA Definition Study Report. (2024)
Working Paper
Waveform Modelling for the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna. (2023)
Working Paper
The lure of sirens: joint distance and velocity measurements with third generation detectors. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (accepted)