Publications of Jiří Bičák

Journal Article (26)

Journal Article
Ledvinka, T.; Bičák, J.: Disk sources of the Kerr and Tomimatsu-Sato spacetimes: construction and physical properties. Physical Review D 99 (6), 064046 (2019)
Journal Article
Schmidt, J.; Bičák, J.: Covariant conserved currents for scalar-tensor Horndeski theory. Journal of Mathematical Physics 59, 04250 (2018)
Journal Article
Bicak, J.; Schmidt, J.: Energy-momentum tensors in linearized Einstein’s theory and massive gravity: The question of uniqueness. Physical Review D 93, 024009 (2016)
Journal Article
Bičák, J.; Hejda, F.: Near-horizon description of extremal magnetized stationary black holes and Meissner effect. Physical Review D 92, 104006 (2015)
Journal Article
Gürlebeck, N.; Bicak, J.; Gutierrez-Pineres, A. C.: Electromagnetic sources distributed on shells in a Schwarzschild background. General Relativity and Gravitation 43 (12), pp. 3301 - 3312 (2011)
Journal Article
Katz, J.; Lynden-Bell, D.; Bicak, J.: Centrifugal force induced by relativistically rotating spheroids and cylinders. Classical and quantum gravity 28 (6), 065004 (2011)
Journal Article
Bičák, J.; Scholtz, M.; Tod, P.: On asymptotically flat solutions of Einstein's equations periodic in time: II. Spacetimes with scalar-field sources. Classical and quantum gravity 27 (17), 175011 (2010)
Journal Article
Bicak, J.; Kofron, D.: Rotating charged black holes accelerated by an electric field. Physical Review D. 82 (2), 024006 (2010)
Journal Article
Bicak, J.; Gürlebeck, N.: Spherical gravitating condensers in general relativity. Physical Review D. 81 (10), 104022 (2010)
Journal Article
Bicak, J.; Scholtz, M.; Tod, P.: On asymptotically flat solutions of Einstein's equations periodic in time: I. Vacuum and electrovacuum solutions. Classical and quantum gravity 27 (5), 055007 (2010)
Journal Article
Bicak, J.; Kofron, D.: Accelerating electromagnetic magic field from the C-metric. General Relativity and Gravitation 41 (9), pp. 1981 - 2001 (2009)
Journal Article
Bicak, J.; Kofron, D.: The Newtonian limit of spacetimes for accelerated particles and black holes. General Relativity and Gravitation 41 (1), pp. 153 - 172 (2009)
Journal Article
Zofka, M.; Bicak, J.: Cylindrical spacetimes with Lambda not equal 0 and their sources. Classical and Quantum Gravity 25 (1), 015011 (2008)
Journal Article
Bicak, J.; Schmidt, B. G.: Helical symmetry in linear systems. Physical Review D 76 (10), 104040 (2007)
Journal Article
Bicak, J.; Katz, J.; Lynden-Bell, D.: Cosmological perturbation theory, instantaneous gauges, and local inertial frames. Physical Review D 76 (6), 063501 (2007)
Journal Article
Bicak, J.; Krtous, P.: Fields of accelerated sources: Born in de Sitter. Journal of Mathematical Physics 46 (10), 102504 (2005)
Journal Article
Bicak, J.; Lynden-Bell, D.; Katz, J.: Do Rotations Beyond the Cosmological Horizon Affect the Local Inertial Frame? Physical Review D 69 (6), 064011 (2004)
Journal Article
Bicak, J.; Lynden-Bell, D.; Katz, J.: Toroidal Perturbations of Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Universes. Physical Review D 69 (6), 064012 (2004)
Journal Article
Bicak, J.; Ledvinka, T.; Schmidt, B. G.; Zofka, M.: Static fluid cylinders and their fields: global solutions. Classical and Quantum Gravity 21, pp. 1583 - 1608 (2004)
Journal Article
Bicak, J.; Krtous, P.: The Fields of Uniformly Accelerated Charges in de Sitter Spacetime. Physical Review Letters 88, 211101 (2002)

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