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Journal Article
99 (6), 064046 (2019)
Disk sources of the Kerr and Tomimatsu-Sato spacetimes: construction and physical properties. Physical Review D 2.
Journal Article
59, 04250 (2018)
Covariant conserved currents for scalar-tensor Horndeski theory. Journal of Mathematical Physics 3.
Journal Article
93, 024009 (2016)
Energy-momentum tensors in linearized Einstein’s theory and massive gravity: The question of uniqueness. Physical Review D 4.
Journal Article
92, 104006 (2015)
Near-horizon description of extremal magnetized stationary black holes and Meissner effect. Physical Review D 5.
Journal Article
43 (12), pp. 3301 - 3312 (2011)
Electromagnetic sources distributed on shells in a Schwarzschild background. General Relativity and Gravitation 6.
Journal Article
28 (6), 065004 (2011)
Centrifugal force induced by relativistically rotating spheroids and cylinders. Classical and quantum gravity 7.
Journal Article
27 (17), 175011 (2010)
On asymptotically flat solutions of Einstein's equations periodic in time: II. Spacetimes with scalar-field sources. Classical and quantum gravity 8.
Journal Article
82 (2), 024006 (2010)
Rotating charged black holes accelerated by an electric field. Physical Review D. 9.
Journal Article
81 (10), 104022 (2010)
Spherical gravitating condensers in general relativity. Physical Review D. 10.
Journal Article
27 (5), 055007 (2010)
On asymptotically flat solutions of Einstein's equations periodic in time: I. Vacuum and electrovacuum solutions. Classical and quantum gravity 11.
Journal Article
41 (9), pp. 1981 - 2001 (2009)
Accelerating electromagnetic magic field from the C-metric. General Relativity and Gravitation 12.
Journal Article
41 (1), pp. 153 - 172 (2009)
The Newtonian limit of spacetimes for accelerated particles and black holes. General Relativity and Gravitation 13.
Journal Article
25 (1), 015011 (2008)
Cylindrical spacetimes with Lambda not equal 0 and their sources. Classical and Quantum Gravity 14.
Journal Article
76 (10), 104040 (2007)
Helical symmetry in linear systems. Physical Review D 15.
Journal Article
76 (6), 063501 (2007)
Cosmological perturbation theory, instantaneous gauges, and local inertial frames. Physical Review D 16.
Journal Article
46 (10), 102504 (2005)
Fields of accelerated sources: Born in de Sitter. Journal of Mathematical Physics 17.
Journal Article
69 (6), 064011 (2004)
Do Rotations Beyond the Cosmological Horizon Affect the Local Inertial Frame? Physical Review D 18.
Journal Article
69 (6), 064012 (2004)
Toroidal Perturbations of Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Universes. Physical Review D 19.
Journal Article
21, pp. 1583 - 1608 (2004)
Static fluid cylinders and their fields: global solutions. Classical and Quantum Gravity 20.
Journal Article
88, 211101 (2002)
The Fields of Uniformly Accelerated Charges in de Sitter Spacetime. Physical Review Letters