Publikationen von Justin Vines

Zeitschriftenartikel (31)

Maybee, B.; O'Connell, D.; Vines, J.: Observables and amplitudes for spinning particles and black holes. Journal of High Energy Physics 2019 (12), 156 (2019)
Vines, J.; Steinhoff, J.; Buonanno, A.: Spinning-black-hole scattering and the test-black-hole limit at second post-Minkowskian order. Physical Review D 99, 064054 (2019)
Khalil, M.; Sennett, N.; Steinhoff, J.; Vines, J.; Buonanno, A.: Hairy binary black holes in Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton theory and their effective-one-body description. Physical Review D 98 (10), 104010 (2018)
Siemonsen, N.; Steinhoff, J.; Vines, J.: Gravitational waves from spinning binary black holes at the leading post-Newtonian orders at all orders in spin. Physical Review D 97 (12), 124046 (2018)
Vines, J.: Scattering of two spinning black holes in post-Minkowskian gravity, to all orders in spin, and effective-one-body mappings. Classical and quantum gravity 35 (8), 084002 (2018)
Vines, J.; Steinhoff, J.: Spin-multipole effects in binary black holes and the test-body limit. Physical Review D 97 (6), 064010 (2018)
Bini, D.; Geralico, A.; Vines, J.: Hyperbolic scattering of spinning particles by a Kerr black hole. Physical Review D 96, 084044 (2017)
Flanagan, É. É.; Nichols, D. A.; Stein, L. C.; Vines, J.: Prescriptions for measuring and transporting local angular momenta in general relativity. Physical Review D 93, 104007 (2016)
Harte, A. I.; Vines, J.: Generating exact solutions to Einstein's equation using linearized approximations. Physical Review D 94, 084009 (2016)
Vines, J.; Kunst, D.; Steinhoff, J.; Hinderer, T.: Canonical Hamiltonian for an extended test body in curved spacetime: To quadratic order in spin. Physical Review D 93, 103008 (2016)
Vines, J.; Nichols, D. A.: Properties of an affine transport equation and its holonomy. General Relativity and Gravitation 48 (10), 127 (2016)

Buch (1)

Kalogera, V.; Sathyaprakash, B. S.; Bailes, M.; Bizouard, M.-A.; Buonanno, A.; Burrows, A.; Colpi, M.; Evans, M.; Fairhurst, S.; Hild, S. et al.; Kasliwal, M. M.; Lehner, L.; Mandel, I.; Mandic, V.; Nissanke, S.; Papa, M. A.; Reddy, S.; Rosswog, S.; Broeck, C. V. D.; Ajith, P.; Anand, S.; Andreoni, I.; Arun, K. G.; Barausse, E.; Baryakhtar, M.; Belgacem, E.; Berry, C. P. L.; Bertacca, D.; Brito, R.; Caprini, C.; Chatziioannou, K.; Coughlin, M.; Cusin, G.; Dietrich, T.; Dirian, Y.; East, W. E.; Fan, X.; Figueroa, D.; Foffa, S.; Ghosh, A.; Hall, E.; Harms, J.; Harry, I.; Hinderer, T.; Janka, T.; Justham, S.; Kasen, D.; Kotake, K.; Lovelace, G.; Maggiore, M.; Mangiagli, A.; Mapelli, M.; Maselli, A.; Matas, A.; McIver, J.; Messer, B.; Mezzacappa, T.; Mills, C.; Mueller, B.; Müller, E.; Pürrer, M.; Pani, P.; Pratten, G.; Regimbau, T.; Sakellariadou, M.; Schneider, R.; Sesana, A.; Shao, L.; Sotiriou, P. T.; Tamanini, N.; Tauris, T.; Thrane, E.; Valiante, R.; van de Meent, M.; Varma, V.; Vines, J.; Vitale, S.; Yang, H.; Yunes, N.; Zumalacarregui, M.; Punturo, M.; Reitze, D.; Couvares, P.; Katsanevas, S.; Kajita, T.; Lück, H.; McClelland, D.; Rowan, S.; Sanders, G.; Shoemaker, D.; Brand, J. v. d.: The Next Generation Global Gravitational Wave Observatory: The Science Book. Gravitational Wave International Committee (2021), 69 pages, 18 figures S.

Bericht (1)

Sathyaprakash, B. S.; Buonanno, A.; Lehner, L.; Broeck, C. V. D.; Ajith, P.; Ghosh, A.; Chatziioannou, K.; Pani, P.; Pürrer, M.; Sotiriou, T. et al.; Vitale, S.; Yunes, N.; Arun, K. G.; Barausse, E.; Baryakhtar, M.; Brito, R.; Maselli, A.; Dietrich, T.; East, W.; Harry, I.; Hinderer, T.; Pratten, G.; Shao, L.; van de Meent, M.; Varma, V.; Vines, J.; Yang, H.; Zumalacarregui, M.: Extreme Gravity and Fundamental Physics. (2021), 14 pages, 2 figures, White Paper submitted to the Astro-2020 (2020 Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey) by GWIC-3G Science Case Team (GWIC: Gravitational-Wave International Committee) S.

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