Ausgewählte Highlights der Forschung am AEI

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Binary black hole mergers: What causes the final kick?

Decoding the physics of asymmetric gravitational-wave radiation and its connection to black-hole kicks mehr

Hunting continuous gravitational waves from binary neutron stars

AEI researchers develop and conduct most sensitive search to date mehr

Tunable highly reflective metasurfaces

International team led by Leibniz University Hannover researchers demonstrate wavelength-selective metamirrors based on sapphire and silicon nanoparticles mehr

Digging deeper with Einstein@Home

New searches for continuous gravitational waves from central compact objects in two young supernova remnants mehr

A clearer picture of the  continuous gravitational-wave sky

Early data release of an expanded atlas to enable new searches mehr

Sensing the seismic

Sensing the seismic

26. September 2024

A new compact inertial sensor for a wide range of physics experiments mehr

How does strong space-time curvature affect the propagation of gravitational waves?

Scientists have studied what happens when two stellar-mass black holes merge near a more massive black hole. They have calculated how strong space-time curvature modifies the gravitational waveforms and how this might be detected in future observations. mehr

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