Publications of M A. Papa
All genres
Conference Paper (25)
Conference Paper
3, pp. 431 - 441 (Eds. Ferrari , V.; Miller, J.C.; Rezzolla, L.). Gravitational Waves: A Challenge to Theoretical Astrophysics. (2001)
Searching for continuous gravitational wave signals: the hierarchical Hough transform algorithm. In: ICTP Lecture Notes Series, Vol. 262.
Conference Paper
The GEO 600 gravitational wave detector. In: Gravitational wave detection II: proceedings of the 2nd TAMA International Workshop on Gravitational Wave Detection (Ed. Kawamura, S.). 2nd TAMA International Workshop on Gravitational Wave Detection, National Olympics Memorial Youth Center, Toyko, Japan, October 19, 1999 - October 22, 1999. Universal Academy Press, Tokyo (2000)
Conference Paper
End-to-end algorithm for hierarchical area searches for long-duration GW sources for GEO 600. In: Proceedings of Moriond meeting Gravitational Waves and Experimental Gravity, pp. 199 - 205. Moriond meeting Gravitational Waves and Experimental Gravity, Les Arcs 1800, Savoie, France, January 23, 1999 - January 30, 1999. (1999)
Conference Paper
Contributions from the Albert Einstein Institute to the Second Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop. In: Title unknown. Second Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop, Orsay, France, 1997. (1999)
Conference Paper
Searching for continuous waves by line identification. In: Proceedings of Second Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop. Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop, Orsay, France, 1997. Editions Frontieres, Paris (1998)
Conference Paper
Detection of Continous Gravitational Wave Signals: Pattern Tracking with the Hough Form. In: Laser interferometer space antenna / Second International LISA Symposium on the Detection and Observation of Gravitational Waves in Space (Ed. Folkner, W. M.). Second International LISA Symposium on the Detection and Observation of Gravitational Waves in Space, Pasadena, California, 1998-07. American Inst. of Physics, Woodbury, NY (1998)
Working Paper (5)
Working Paper
Search for continuous gravitational waves from unknown neutron stars in binary systems with long orbital periods in O3 data. (2024)
Working Paper
The Yet-Unobserved Multi-Messenger Gravitational-Wave Universe. (2019)
Working Paper
The upper-limit procedure for the most recent Einstein@Home searches. (2017)
Working Paper
Sensitivity Achieved by the LIGO and Virgo Gravitational Wave Detectors during LIGO's Sixth and Virgo's Second and Third Science Runs. (2012)
Working Paper
Sensitivity to Gravitational Waves from Compact Binary Coalescences Achieved during LIGO's Fifth and Virgo's First Science Run. (2010)
Other (1)
Contribution to the EAC Meeting Report by the LIGO-GriPhyN Working Group. (2003)