Publications of Enping Zhou

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Zhou, Y.; Zhang, C.; Zhao, J.; Kiuchi, K.; Fujibayashi, S.; Zhou, E.: Constraints of the maximum mass of quark stars based on postmerger evolutions. Physical Review D 110 (10), 103012 (2024)
Journal Article
Zhou, E.; Kiuchi, K.; Shibata, M.; Tsokaros, A.; Uryu, K.: Evolution of equal mass binary bare quark stars in full general relativity: could a supramassive merger remnant experience prompt collapse? Physical Review D 106 (10), 103030 (2022)
Journal Article
Wang, W.; Lai, X.; Zhou, E.; Lu, J.; Zheng, X.; Xu, R.: Pulsar glitches in a strangeon star model. II. The activity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 500 (4), pp. 5336 - 5349 (2021)
Journal Article
Zhou, E.; Kiuchi, K.; Shibata, M.; Tsokaros, A.; Uryu, K.: Evolution of bare quark stars in full general relativity: Single star case. Physical Review D 103 (12), 123011 (2021)
Journal Article
Li, A.; Zhu, Z. -.; Zhou, E.; Dong, J. -.; Hu, J. -.; Xia, C. -.: Neutron star equation of state: Quark mean-field (QMF) modeling and applications. Journal of High Energy Astrophysics 28, pp. 19 - 46 (2020)
Journal Article
Du, S.; Zhou, E.; Xu, R.: Constraining the Equation of State of Neutron Stars through GRB X-Ray Plateaus. The Astrophysical Journal 886 (2), 87 (2019)

Working Paper (2)

Working Paper
Li, A.; Jiang, J.-L.; Tang, S.-P.; Miao, Z.-Q.; Zhou, E.; Xu, R.-X.: Constraints from LIGO/Virgo and NICER on quark star equation of state. (2020)
Working Paper
Miao, Z.-Q.; Xia, C.-J.; Lai, X.-Y.; Maruyama, T.; Xu, R.-X.; Zhou, E.: Strangeon matter and strangeon stars in a linked bag model. (2020)
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