Publications of G. Fernandez Barranco

Journal Article (7)

Journal Article
Fernandez Barranco, G.; Heinzel, G.: A dc-coupled, HBT-based transimpedance amplifier for the LISA quadrant photoreceivers. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 3068437 (2021)
Journal Article
Chwalla, M.; Danzmann, K.; Dovale Alvarez, M.; Esteban Delgado, J.J.; Fernandez Barranco, G.; Fitzsimons, E.; Gerberding, O.; Heinzel, G.; Killow, C. J.; Lieser , M. et al.; Perreur-Lloyd, M.; Robertson, D. I.; Rohr, J. M.; Schuster, S.; Schwarze, T.; Tröbs, M.; Wanner, G.; Ward , H.: Optical suppression of tilt-to-length coupling in the LISA long-arm interferometer. Physical Review Applied 14 (1), 014030 (2020)
Journal Article
Yang, Y.; Yamamoto, K.; Huarcaya, V.; Vorndamme, C.; Penkert, D.; Fernandez Barranco, G.; Schwarze, T.; Esteban Delgado, J. J.; Mehmet, M.; Jia, J. et al.; Heinzel, G.; Alvarez, M. D.: Single-element dual-interferometer for precision inertial sensing. Sensors (Switzerland) 20 (17), 4986, pp. 1 - 17 (2020)
Journal Article
Abich, K.; Braxmaier, C.; Gohlke, M.; Sanjuan, J.; Abramovici, A.; Okihiro, B. B.; Barr, D. C.; Bize, M. P.; Burke, M. J.; Clark, K. C. et al.; de Vine, G.; Dickson, J. A.; Dubovitsky, S.; Folkner, W. M.; Francis, S.; Gilbert, M. S.; Katsumura, M.; Klipstein, W.; Larsen, K.; Liebe, C. C.; Liu, J.; McKenzie, K.; Morton, P. R.; Murray, A. T.; Nguyen, D. J.; Ravich, J. A.; Shaddock, D.; Spero, R.; Spiers, G.; Sutton, A.; Trinh, J.; Wang, D.; Wang, R. T.; Ware, B.; Woodruff, C.; Amparan, B.; Davis, M. A.; Howell, J.; Kruger, M.; Lobmeyer, L.; Pierce, R.; Reavis, G.; Sileo, M.; Stephens, M.; Baatzsch, A.; Dahl, C.; Dahl, K.; Gilles, F.; Hager, P.; Herding, M.; Kaufer, M.; Nicklaus, K.; Voss, K.; Bogan, C.; Danzmann, K.; Fernandez Barranco, G.; Heinzel, G.; Koch, A.; Mahrdt, C.; Misfeldt, M.; Müller, V.; Reiche, J.; Schütze, D.; Sheard, B.; Stede , G.; Wegener, H.; Eckardt, A.; Guenther, B.; Mangoldt, T.; Zender, B.; Ester, T.; Heine, F.; Seiter, C.; Windisch, S.; Flatscher, R.; Flechtner, F.; Grossard, N.; Hauden, J.; Hinz, M.; Leikert, T.; Zimmermann, M.; Lebeda, A.; Lebeda, A.: In-Orbit Performance of the GRACE Follow-on Laser Ranging Interferometer. Physical Review Letters 123, 031101 (2019)
Journal Article
Fernandez Barranco, G.; Sheard, B.; Dahl, C.; Mathis, W.; Heinzel, G.: A low-power, low-noise 37-MHz photoreceiver for intersatellite laser interferometers using discrete heterojunction bipolar transistors. IEEE Sensors Journal 18 (18 ), pp. 7414 - 7420 (2018)
Journal Article
Isleif, K.-S.; Bischof, L.; Ast, S.; Penkert, D.; Schwarze, T.; Fernandez Barranco, G.; Zwetz, J. M.; Veith, S.; Hennig, J.-S.; Tröbs, M. et al.; Reiche, J.; Gerberding, O.; Danzmann, K.; Heinzel, G.: Towards the LISA Backlink: Experiment design for comparing optical phase reference distribution systems. Classical and quantum gravity 35 (8), 085009 (2018)
Journal Article
Tröbs, M.; Schuster, S.; Lieser, M.; Zwetz, M.; Chwalla, M.; Danzmann, K.; Fernandez Barranco, G.; Fitzsimons, E. D.; Gerberding, O.; Heinzel, G. et al.; Killow, C. J.; Perreur-Lloyd, M.; Robertson, D. I.; Schwarze, T.; Wanner, G.; Ward, H.: Reducing tilt-to-length coupling for the LISA test mass interferometer. Classical and quantum gravity 35 (10), 105001 (2018)

Conference Paper (2)

Conference Paper
Colcombet, P.; Dinu-Jaeger, N.; Inguimbert, C.; Nuns, T.; Bruhier, S.; Christensen, N.; Hofverberg, P.; van Bakel, N.; van Beuzekom, M.; Mistry, T. et al.; Visser, G.; Pascucci, D.; Izumi, K.; Komori, K.; Heinzel, G.; Fernandez Barranco, G.; Zand, J. J. M. i. t.; Laubert, P.; Frericks, M.: Radiation Tolerance of Low-Noise Photoreceivers for the LISA Space Mission. RADECS 2023, Toulouse, France, September 25, 2023 - September 29, 2023. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, (2024)
Conference Paper
Dahl , C.; Baatzsch, A.; Dehne, M.; Gilles, F.; Hager, P.; Herding, M.; Nicklaus, K.; Voss, K.; Abich, K.; Braxmaier, C. et al.; Gohlke, M.; Guenther, B.; Sanjuan, J.; Zender, B.; Fernandez Barranco, G.; Görth, A.; Mahrdt, C.; Müller, V.; Schütze , D.; Stede , G.; Heinzel, G.: Laser ranging interferometer on Grace follow-on. In: SPIE Proceedings, 10562. International Conference on Space Optics — ICSO 2016, Biarritz, France, October 18, 2016 - October 21, 2016. (2017)
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