Publications of Bruno Giacomazzo
All genres
Journal Article (13)
Journal Article
110, 084046 (2024)
General relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations with bam: Implementation and code comparison. Physical Review D 2.
Journal Article
First 100 ms of a long-lived magnetized neutron star formed in a binary neutron star merger. Physical Review D (100), 023005 (2019)
Journal Article
88 (4), 044020 (2013)
General-Relativistic Resistive Magnetohydrodynamics in three dimensions: formulation and tests. Physical Review D 4.
Journal Article
762, L18 (2013)
Compact Binary Progenitors of Short Gamma-Ray Bursts. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 5.
Journal Article
88, 044042 (2013)
Matter effects on binary neutron star waveforms. Physical Review D 6.
Journal Article
84 (2), 024017 (2011)
Accurate numerical simulations of inspiralling binary neutron stars and their comparison with effective-one-body analytical models. Physical Review D 7.
Journal Article
83 (4), 044014 (2011)
Accurate evolutions of inspiralling and magnetized neutron-stars: equal-mass binaries. Physical Review D 8.
Journal Article
84 (2), 024022 (2011)
Collapse of differentially rotating neutron stars and cosmic censorship. Physical Review D 9.
Journal Article
399 (1), pp. L164 - L168 (2010)
Can magnetic fields be detected during the inspiral of binary neutron stars? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 10.
Journal Article
19 (6), pp. 991 - 996 (2010)
Magnetohydrodynamic Effects in Relativistic Ejecta. International Journal of Modern Physics D 11.
Journal Article
Accurate evolutions of inspiralling neutron-star binaries: assessment of the truncation error. Nrda (2009)
Journal Article
The influence of magnetic fields on the gravitational-wave emission from binary neutron stars. Physical Review Letters (2009)
Journal Article
562, pp. 223 - 259 (2006)
The Exact Solution of the Riemann Problem in Relativistic MHD. Journal of Fluid Mechanics Conference Paper (3)
Conference Paper
55, (2010)
Gravitational Waves from Magnetized Binary Neutron Star Mergers. APS April Meeting 2010, Washington, DC, February 13, 2010 - February 16, 2010. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 15.
Conference Paper
27 (11), 114105, (2010)
Accurate evolutions of unequal-mass neutron-star binaries: properties of the torus and short GRB engines. Numerical Relativity and Data Analysis (NRDA) 2009, Albert Einstein Institute, Potsdam, Germany, July 06, 2009 - July 09, 2009. Classical and quantum gravity 16.
Conference Paper
24 (12), pp. S235 - S258 (2007)
WhiskyMHD: a new numerical code for general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics. New Frontiers in Numerical Relativity, Albert Einstein Institute, Potsdam, Germany, July 17, 2006 - July 21, 2006. Classical and Quantum Gravity