All genres
Journal Article
Apollo 15 auf der Spur. Sterne und Weltraum: ASTROnews (2012)
Journal Article
86, 124011 (2012)
Continuous Gravitational Waves from Isolated Galactic Neutron Stars in the Advanced Detector Era. Physical Review D 103.
Journal Article
732 (1), pp. L1 - L5 (2011)
Arecibo PALFA Survey and Einstein@Home: Binary Pulsar Discovery by Volunteer Computing. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 104.
Journal Article
732 (1), L1 (2011)
Arecibo PALFA Survey and Einstein@Home: Binary Pulsar Discovery by Volunteer Computing. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 105.
Journal Article
Pulsare mit dem Heimcomputer entdeckt! Sterne und Weltraum: SzeneNews (2010)
Journal Article
Hinter den Kulissen von Einstein@Home. Sterne und Weltraum: SzeneNews (2010)
Journal Article
329 (5997), p. 1305 - 1305 (2010)
Pulsar Discovery by Global Volunteer Computing. Science Magazine 108.
Journal Article
78 (4), 04431 (2008)
Blandford's Argument: The Strongest Continuous Gravitational Wave Signal. Physical Review D 109.
Conference Paper
43, (2011)
Two Pulsar Discoveries from the Einstein@Home Distributed Computing Project. AAS Meeting 217, Washington, Seattle, January 09, 2011 - January 13, 2011. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 110.
Conference Paper
43, (2011)
Finding Pulsars with Einstein@Home. AAS Meeting 217, Washington, Seattle, January 09, 2011 - January 13, 2011. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 111.
Conference Paper
The search for tight binary radio pulsars in arecibo radio data with Einstein@ home. The 8th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves (Amaldi 8), Columbia University, New York, June 22, 2009 - June 26, 2009. (2009)
Thesis - PhD
Pulsar discoveries by volunteer distributed computing and the strongest continuous gravitational wave signal. Dissertation (2011)