Publications of Alberto Sesana

Journal Article (37)

Journal Article
Babak, S.; Gair, J.; Sesana, A.; Barausse, E.; Sopuerta, C. F.; Berry, C. P. L.; Berti, E.; Amaro-Seoane, P.; Petiteau, A.; Klein, A.: Science with the space-based interferometer LISA. V: Extreme mass-ratio inspirals. Physical Review D 95, 103012 (2017)
Journal Article
Taylor, S. R.; Lentati, L.; Babak, S.; Brem, P.; Gair, J. R.; Sesana, A.; Vecchio, A.: All correlations must die: Assessing the significance of a stochastic gravitational-wave background in pulsar-timing arrays. Physical Review D 95, 042002 (2017)
Journal Article
Babak, S.; Petiteau, A.; Sesana, A.; Brem, P.; Rosado, P. A.; Taylor, S. R.; Lassus, A.; Hessels, J. W. T.; Bassa, C. G.; Burgay, M. et al.; Caballero, R. N.; Champion, D. J.; Cognard, I.; Desvignes, G.; Gair, J. R.; Guillemot, L.; Janssen, G. H.; Karuppusamy, R.; Kramer, M.; Lazarus, P.; Lee, K. J.; Lentati, L.; Liu, K.; Mingarelli, C. M. F.; Oslowski, S.; Perrodin, D.; Possenti, A.; Purver, M. B.; Sanidas, S.; Smits, R.; Stappers, B.; Theureau, G.; Tiburzi, C.; van Haasteren, R.; Vecchio, A.; Verbiest, J. P. W.: European Pulsar Timing Array Limits on Continuous Gravitational Waves from Individual Supermassive Black Hole Binaries. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 455 (2), pp. 1665 - 1679 (2016)
Journal Article
Desvignes, G.; Caballero, R. N.; Lentati, L.; Verbiest, J. P. W.; Champion, D. J.; Stappers, B. W.; Janssen, G. H.; Lazarus, P.; Osłowski, S.; Babak, S. et al.; Bassa, C. G.; Brem, P.; Burgay, M.; Cognard, I.; Gair, J. R.; Graikou, E.; Guillemot, L.; Hessels, J. W. T.; Jessner, A.; Jordan, C.; Karuppusamy, R.; Kramer, M.; Lassus, A.; Lazaridis, K.; Lee, K. J.; Liu, K.; Lyne, A. G.; McKee, J.; Mingarelli, C. M. F.; Perrodin, D.; Petiteau, A.; Possenti, A.; Purver, M. B.; Rosado, P. A.; Sanidas, S.; Sesana, A.; Shaifullah, G.; Smits, R.; Taylor, S. R.; Theureau, G.; Tiburzi, C.; van Haasteren, R.; Vecchio, A. ..: High-precision timing of 42 millisecond pulsars with the European Pulsar Timing Array. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 458 (03), pp. 3341 - 3380 (2016)
Journal Article
Gerosa, D.; Sesana, A.: Missing black holes in brightest cluster galaxies as evidence for the occurrence of superkicks in nature. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 446 (1), pp. 38 - 55 (2015)
Journal Article
Lentati, L.; Taylor, S. R.; Mingarelli, C. M. F.; Sesana, A.; Sanidas, S. A.; Vecchio, A.; Caballero, R. N.; Lee, K. J.; van Haasteren, R.; Babak, S. et al.; Bassa, C. G.; Brem, P.; Burgay, M.; Champion, D. J.; Cognard, I.; Desvignes, G.; Gair, J. R.; Guillemot, L.; Hessels, J. W. T.; Janssen, G. H.; Karuppusamy, R.; Kramer, M.; Lassus, A.; Lazarus, P.; Liu, K.; Osłowski, S.; Perrodin, D.; Petiteau, A.; Possenti, A.; Purver, M. B.; Rosado, P. A.; Smits, R.; Stappers, B.; Theureau, G.; Tiburzi, C.; Verbiest, J. P. W.: European Pulsar Timing Array Limits On An Isotropic Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 453 (3), pp. 2576 - 2598 (2015)
Journal Article
Rosado, P. A.; Sesana, A.; Gair, J.: Expected properties of the first gravitational wave signal detected with pulsar timing arrays. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 451, pp. 2417 - 2433 (2015)
Journal Article
Taylor, S. R.; Mingarelli, C. M. F.; Gair, J. R.; Sesana, A.; Theureau, G.; Babak, S.; Bassa, C. G.; Brem, P.; Burgay, M.; Caballero, R. N. et al.; Champion, D. J.; Cognard, I.; Desvignes, G.; Guillemot, L.; Hessels, J. W. T.; Janssen, G. H.; Karuppusamy, R.; Kramer, M.; Lassus, A.; Lazarus, P.; Lentati, L.; Liu, K.; Osłowski, S.; Perrodin, D.; Petiteau, A.; Possenti, A.; Purver, M. B.; Rosado, P. A.; Sanidas, S. A.; Smits, R.; Stappers, B.; Tiburzi, C.; Haasteren, R. v.; Vecchio, A.; Verbiest, J. P. W.: Limits on anisotropy in the nanohertz stochastic gravitational-wave background. Physical Review Letters 115, 041101 (2015)
Journal Article
Arzoumanian, Z.; Brazier, A.; Burke-Spolaor, S.; Chamberlin, S. J.; Chatterjee, S.; Cordes, J. M.; Demorest, P. B.; Deng, X.; Dolch, T.; Ellis, J. A. et al.; Ferdman, R. D.; Garver-Daniels, N.; Jenet, F.; Jones, G.; Kaspi, V. M.; Koop, M.; Lam, M.; Lazio, T. J. W.; Lommen, A. N.; Lorimer, D. R.; Luo, J.; Lynch, R. S.; Madison, D. R.; McLaughlin, M.; McWilliams, S. T.; Nice, D. J.; Palliyaguru, N.; Pennucci, T. T.; Ransom, S. M.; Sesana, A.; Siemens, X.; Stairs, I. H.; Stinebring, D. R.; Stovall, K.; Swiggum, J.; Vallisneri, M.; van Haasteren, R.; Wang, Y.; Zhu, W. W.: NANOGrav Limits on Gravitational Waves from Individual Supermassive Black Hole Binaries in Circular Orbits. The Astrophysical Journal 794, 141 (2014)
Journal Article
Arzoumanian, Z.; Brazier, A.; Burke-Spolaor, S.; Chamberlin, S. J.; Chatterjee, S.; Cordes, J. M.; Demorest, P. B.; Deng, X.; Dolch, T.; Ellis, J. A. et al.; Ferdman, R. D.; Garver-Daniels, N.; Jenet, F.; Jones, G.; Kaspi, V. M.; Koop, M.; Lam, M.; Lazio, T. J. W.; Lommen, A. N.; Lorimer, D. R.; Luo, J.; Lynch, R. S.; Madison, D. R.; McLaughlin, M.; McWilliams, S. T.; Nice, D. J.; Palliyaguru, N.; Pennucci, T. T.; Ransom, S. M.; Sesana, A.; Siemens, X.; Stairs, I. H.; Stinebring, D. R.; Stovall, K.; Swiggum, J.; Vallisneri, M.; van Haasteren, R.; Wang, Y.; Zhu, W. W.: Gravitational Waves from Individual Supermassive Black Hole Binaries in Circular Orbits: Limits from the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves. Astrophysical Journal 794 (2), 141 (2014)
Journal Article
Leigh, N. W. C.; Luetzgendorf, N.; Geller, A. M.; Maccarone, T. J.; Heinke, C. O.; Sesana, A.: On the coexistence of stellar-mass and intermediate-mass black holes in globular clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 444 (1), pp. 29 - 42 (2014)
Journal Article
Roedig, C.; Sesana, A.: Migration of massive black hole binaries in self-gravitating accretion discs: Retrograde versus prograde. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 439 (4), pp. 3476 - 3489 (2014)
Journal Article
Rosado, P. A.; Sesana, A.: Targeting supermassive black hole binaries and gravitational wave sources for the pulsar timing array. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 439 (4), pp. 3986 - 4010 (2014)
Journal Article
Sesana, A.; Barausse, E.; Dotti, M.; Rossi, E. M.: Linking the spin evolution of massive black holes to galaxy kinematics. Astrophysical Journal 794, 104 (2014)
Journal Article
Sesana, A.; Weber, W. J.; Killow, C. J.; Perreur-Lloyd, M.; Robertson, D. I.; Ward, H.; Fitzsimons, E. D.; Bryant, J.; Cruise, A. M.; Dixon, G. et al.; Hoyland, D.; Smith, D.; Bogenstahl, J.; McNamara, P. W.; Gerndt, R.; Flatscher, R.; Hechenblaikner, G.; Hewitson, M.; Gerberding, O.; Barke, S.; Brause, N.; Bykov, I.; Danzmann, K.; Enggaard, A.; Gianolio, A.; Hansen, T. V.; Heinzel, G.; Hornstrup, A.; Jennrich, O.; Kullmann, J.; Møller-Pedersen, S.; Rasmussen, T.; Reiche, J.; Sodnik, Z.; Suess, M.; Armano, M.; Sumner, T.; Bender, P. L.; Akutsu, T.; Sathyaprakash, B. S.; DECIGO working group: Space-based detectors. General Relativity and Gravitation 46, 1793 (2014)
Journal Article
Shannon, R. M.; Chamberlin, S.; Cornish, N. J.; Ellis, J. A.; Mingarelli, C. M. F.; Perrodin, D.; Rosado, P.; Sesana, A.; Taylor, S. R.; Wen, L. et al.; Bassa, C. G.; Gair, J.; Janssen, G. H.; Karuppusamy, R.; Kramer, M.; Lee, K. J.; Liu, K.; Mandel, I.; Purver, M.; Sidery, T.; Smits, R.; Stappers, B. W.; Vecchio, A.: Summary of session C1: pulsar timing arrays. General Relativity and Gravitation 46 (8), 1765 (2014)
Journal Article
Amaro-Seoane, P.; Aoudia, S.; Babak, S.; Binétruy, P.; Berti, E.; Bohé, A.; Caprini, C.; Colpi, M.; Cornish, N. J.; Danzmann, K. et al.; Dufaux, J.-F.; Gair, J.; Jennrich, O.; Jetzer, P.; Klein, A.; Lang, R. N.; Lobo, A.; Littenberg, T.; McWilliams, S. T.; Nelemans, G.; Petiteau, A.; Porter, E. K.; Schutz, B. F.; Sesana, A.; Stebbins, R.; Sumner, T.; Vallisneri, M.; Vitale, S.; Volonteri, M.; Ward, H.: eLISA: Astrophysics and cosmology in the millihertz regime. GW Notes 6, pp. 4 - 110 (2013)
Journal Article
Cornish, N. J.; Sesana, A.: Pulsar Timing Array Analysis for Black Hole Backgrounds. Classical and quantum gravity 30 (22), 224005 (2013)
Journal Article
Petiteau, A.; Babak, S.; Sesana, A.; de Araujo, M.: Resolving multiple supermassive black hole binaries with pulsar timing arrays II: genetic algorithm implementation. Physical Review D 87, 064036 (2013)
Journal Article
Sesana, A.: Gravitational wave emission from binary supermassive black holes. Classical and quantum gravity 30 (24), 244009 (2013)

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