Dr. Elisa Maggio

Marie Curie Fellow at AEI Potsdam

What is your current position at our institute?

I'm a Marie Curie Fellow at the AEI in Potsdam with a research project titled “Testing the horizon of black holes with gravitational waves” (ThorGW).

How and when did you choose to do physics?

I chose to do physics in my last year of high school after reading a lot of books by Stephen Hawking.

What were your previous academic positions?

  • 2011-2014: Bachelor Degree in Physics, Sapienza University of Rome
  • 2014-2016: Master Degree in Theoretical Physics, Sapienza University of Rome
  • Summer 2015: INFN-NSF/LIGO Summer Exchange Student, California Institute of Technology
  • 2017-2018: Student in Applied Mathematics, University of Sheffield
  • 2018-2021: PhD Student in Physics, Sapienza University of Rome

How would you describe your research to scientist from other fields?

My research is focused on tests of gravity in the strong-field regime with gravitational-wave observations. I work on tests of the nature of the black holes by modeling the gravitational waveform emitted by compact binary coalescences.

Do you have a favourite figure from a paper you (co-)authored?

The figure shows how the gravitational waveform changes with respect to the black hole case when the remnant of a compact binary coalescence is horizonless. The waveform is characterised by the extra emission of a modulated train of gravitational wave echoes (top panel) or modifications in the prompt ringdown (bottom panel).

Why did you choose the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics for your research?

I chose the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics because the research group is stimulating and has a variety of expertise.

What would you recommend to a young woman wanting to start a career in physics?

I would recommend to a young woman in physics to be open to all the opportunities in research and choose her own path independently.

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