PhD Representatives

at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics

For all questions related to applications, please refer to the corresponding doctoral programmes (IMPRS) and coordinators.

External PhD Representative

The external PhD representative is elected annually by all doctoral researchers from the AEI that are members of one of the two IMPRS (IMPRS for Gravity at the Extreme and IMPRS for Mathematical and Physical Aspects of Gravitation, Cosmology and Quantum Field Theory). Its role is to represent them at the annual General Meeting of the PhDNet and vote for the new Steering Group.

He/she/they hence serves as a connection between the PhD students from the AEI and the PhDNet, but also with the administration of the AEI, and is really a relay point for all doctoral researchers, especially newcomers.

Together with internal representatives, the aim of the external representative is to optimize the life of all PhD students at the AEI, by organising various social events at the two sites of the institute or online, but also seminars, etc.

All current PhD students should not hesitate to reach us with any questions, or if they want to take part and become a representative themselves.

Internal PhD Representative at Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics in Potsdam

The internal PhD representatives act on behalf of all PhD students at AEI Potsdam to communicate their concerns to the institute's directors and network with other PhD students in the Max Planck Society. In case you want to contact them, please write to

Internal PhD Representative at Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics in Hannover

Qazal Rokn and Angela Borchers Pascual share the role of the internal PhD representative. Jacob Cardinal Tremblay is the deputy internal PhD representative. The internal PhD representatives act on behalf of all PhD students at AEI Hannover to communicate their concerns to the institute's directors and network with other PhD students in the Max Planck Society. In case you want to contact them, please write to

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