Journal Article (183)

Journal Article
Wen, L.; Levine, A. M.; Corbet, R. H. D.; Bradt, H. V.: A Systematic Search for Periodicities in RXTE/ASM Data. Astrophysical Journal Supplement 163 (2), pp. 372 - 392 (2006)
Journal Article
Zink, B.; Stergioulas, N.; Hawke, I.; Ott, C. D.; Schnetter, E.; Müller, E.: Black hole formation through fragmentation of toroidal polytropes. Physical Review Letters 96, 161101 (2006)
Journal Article
Zink, B.; Stergioulas, N.; Hawke, I.; Ott, C. D.; Schnetter, E.; Müller, E.: Formation of supermassive black holes through fragmentation of torodial supermassive stars. Physical Review Letters 96, 161101 (2006)

Book (1)

Ehlers, J.: Mathematik als „Sprache“ der Physik. Aulis Verlag Deubner, Köln, Leipzig, Germany (2006), 48 pp.

Book Chapter (14)

Book Chapter
Andersson, L.: Geometric Analysis and General Relativity. In: Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics Vol. 2, pp. 503 - 509 (Eds. Françoise, J.-P.; Naber, G.; Tsun Tsou, S.). Academic Press, Oxford u.a. (2006)
Book Chapter
Aufmuth, P.: Auf Einsteins Spuren: Die Suche nach Gravitationswellen. In: Mythos Einstein, pp. 21 - 29 (Ed. Pokrowsky, P.). Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein, Zweibrücken (2006)
Book Chapter
Babiuc, M. C.; Szilagyi, B.; Winicour, J.: Some mathematical problems in numerical relativity. In: Analytical and Numerical Approaches to Mathematical Relativity, pp. 251 - 274 (Eds. Frauendiener, J.; Giulini, D. J.W.; Perlick, V.). Springer, Berlin u.a (2006)
Book Chapter
Bicak, J.: Einstein Equations: Exact Solutions. In: Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics Vol.2, pp. 165 - 173 (Eds. Francoise, J.-P.; Naber, G.; Tsun, T.S.). Elsevier, Oxford (2006)
Book Chapter
Bojowald, M.: Quantum Cosmology. In: Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics Vol. 4, pp. 153 - 158 (Eds. Françoise, J.-P.; Naber, G.; Tsun, T. S.). Elsevier / Academic Press, Amsterdam u.a. (2006)
Book Chapter
Bojowald, M.: Quantum Riemannian Geometry and Black Holes. In: Trends in Quantum Gravity Research, pp. 219 - 260. Nova SCience, New York (2006)
Book Chapter
Dain, S.: Elliptic systems. In: Analytical and Numerical Approaches to Mathematical Relativity, pp. 117 - 140 (Eds. Frauendiener, J.; Giulini, D. J.W.; Perlick, V.). Springer, Berlin u.a (2006)
Book Chapter
Danzmann, K.; Aufmuth, P.: Auf der Suche nach Einsteins Gravitationswellen. In: Universität Hannover 1831 - 2006. Band 1, pp. 71 - 78 (Ed. Seidel, R.). Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim (2006)
Book Chapter
Ehlers, J.: Foundations of Special Relativity Theory. In: Special Relativity: Will it Survive the Next 101 Years?, pp. 35 - 44. Springer, Berlin (2006)
Book Chapter
Ehlers, J.: The Newtonian limit of general relativity. In: Encyclopedia of mathematical physics, Vol. 3 [I-O], pp. 503 - 508 (Ed. Françoise, J.-P.). Elsevier/Academic Press, Amsterdam [u.a.] (2006)
Book Chapter
Ehlers, J.: Physikalische Erkenntnis, dargestellt am Beispiel des Übergangs von Newtons Raumzeit zu Einsteins spezieller Relativitätstheorie. In: Die Kultur moderner Wissenschaft am Beispiel Albert Einstein, pp. 1 - 16 (Eds. Balsinger, P. W.; Kötter, R.). Elsevier, Spektrum Akademie Verlag, München, Germany (2006)
Book Chapter
Ehlers, J.: Newtonian Limit of General Relativity. In: Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, Second Edition: Volumes 1, pp. 418 - 424 (2006)
Book Chapter
Rendall, A. D.: Mathematical properties of cosmological models with accelerated expansion. In: Analytical and Numerical Approaches to Mathematical Relativity, pp. 141 - 156 (Eds. Frauendiener, J.; Giulini, D. J.W.; Perlick, V.). Springer, Berlin u.a (2006)
Book Chapter
Russell, M.; Novotny, J.; Wehrens, O.: The Grid Portlets web application: A Grid portal framework. In: Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 3911, pp. 691 - 698 (Eds. Wyrzykowski, R.; Dongarra, J.; Meyer, N.; Wasniewski, J.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2006)

Conference Paper (42)

Conference Paper
Garcia Marin, A. F.; Bogenstahl, J.; Guzman Cervantes, F.; Steier, F.; Reiche, J.; Skorupka, S.; Wand, V.; Nofrarias, M.; Sanjuan, J.; Jennrich, O. et al.; Heinzel, G.; Danzmann, K.: Interferometric characterization of the optical window for LISA Pathfinder and LISA. In: Laser interferometer space antenna: 6th International LISA Symposium, Greenbelt, Maryland, 19 - 23 June 2006, pp. 344 - 348 (Ed. Merkowitz, S. M.). LASER INTERFEROMETER SPACE ANTENNA: 6th International LISA Symposium, Greenbelt, Maryland, June 19, 2006 - June 23, 2006. American Inst. of Physics, Melville, NY (2006)
Conference Paper
Heinzel, G.; Steier, F.; Fleddermann, R.; Sheard, B.; Danzmann, K.: Components for the LISA local interferometry. In: Laser interferometer space antenna: 6th International LISA Symposium, Greenbelt, Maryland, 19 - 23 June 2006, pp. 291 - 296 (Ed. Merkowitz, S. M.). LASER INTERFEROMETER SPACE ANTENNA: 6th International LISA Symposium, Greenbelt, Maryland, June 19, 2006 - June 23, 2006. American Inst. of Physics, Melville, NY (2006)
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