LISA Pathfinder vodcasts
LISA Pathfinder was a test mission of the European Space Agency ESA for the LISA mission. LISA Pathfinder demonstrated central LISA technologies with which the first gravitational wave observatory in space will observe low-frequency gravitational waves.
Watch the vodcast series trailer
The path to LISA in 90 seconds
The LISA Pathfinder Mission Teaser: Follow LISA Pathfinder's story from the assembly of its heart, the optical bench through testing to the assembly of the spacecraft and getting it ready for launch. Meet some of the key people who are involved and learn how the mission operates.
Watch our entire LISA Pathfinder vodcast series:
The path to LISA: Time to say goodbye
After 16 months of science measurements an international team deactivated the LISA Pathfinder satellite on the evening of the 18th of July 2017. Join the LISA Pathfinder scientists in the last minutes of the mission, and learn what will come after LISA Pathfinder.
The path to LISA: A unique collaboration
The LISA Pathfinder mission, which demonstrated key technologies for the LISA gravitational-wave observatory was enabled by a unique collaboration.
The path to LISA: LISA Pathfinder was a lab in space
LISA Pathfinder, the test mission for LISA, the planned gravitational-wave observatory in space was like having a laboratory in space.
The path to LISA: The interferometers of LISA and LISA Pathfinder
The LISA Pathfinder mission and LISA, the planned gravitational-wave observatory in space, use sophisticated laser interferometers to measure tiny distance changes between free-floating test masses.
The path to LISA: The core of LPF and LISA – free falling test masses
At the core of the LISA Pathfinder mission and at the core of LISA, the planned gravitational-wave observatory in space, are unique test masses in free fall.
The path to LISA: LISA Generations
The LISA Pathfinder students had the unique chance to work with real data from a real satellite. They are the next generation of LISA scientists.
The path to LISA: LISA Pathfinder operations - at home at ESOC
During the mission, ESOC in Darmstadt is a kind of second home for the scientists involved in LISA Pathfinder.
The path to LISA: LISA Pathfinder operations - new science
LISA Pathfinder is a mission to explore new fundamental physics.
The path to LISA: LISA Pathfinder Operations - commissioning and operations
Commissioning and scientific operation are a very special challenge, as LISA Pathfinder is a laboratory located about 1.5 million kilometers from Earth.
The path to LISA: The launch of LISA Pathfinder
Pure tension: Will the rocket take the satellite into space and can the satellite be switched on?
The path to LISA: The beating heart
A complicated step of crucial importance: the LISA Technology Package, the scientific heart of the mission, is added to the satellite.
The path to LISA: LISA Pathfinder science mission preparations
How are the scientists and mission engineers preparing to operate LISA Pathfinder in space?
The path to LISA: LISA Pathfinder - the delivery of the optical bench
From the lab to the satellite: The optical bench is delivered for the assembly of LISA Pathfinder.
The path to LISA: Light on the optical bench
The optical bench is the heart of the mission. This film shows how this technical-optical masterpiece is constructed and tested in the laboratory.
The path to LISA: The laser learns to fly
The laser onboard LISA Pathfinder needs to withstand strong accelerations during the rocket launch and must work in the harsh space environment. Learn how this is ensured by laboratory tests.
The path to LISA: Gauging the quiet
LISA Pathfinder is an ESA technology test mission for the LISA mission. LISA Pathfinder is testing most LISA technologies in space and will validate a complete model of all physical noise that can be extrapolated to the full LISA mission.