This numerical simulation represents the binary neutron star coalescence and merger which resulted in the detected gravitational-wave event GW190425.
The images and the animation show the coalescence of two orbiting black holes as detected by the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo observatories on the 14th of August 2017.
The movie and the images show a numerical simulation of the gravitational-wave event GW170104 associated to the third binary black-hole coalescence detected by LIGO.
In this model, a smaller and a large black hole move linearly towards each other and collide head-on. The smaller black hole moves faster, has a high downward momentum and emits strong gravitational waves downwards.
Computer simulations showing the formation of a neutron star by the gravitational collapse of a stellar core and the gravitational collapse of a neutron star to a rotating black hole.
Computer simulations of an unstable spherical neutron star and of a rapidly spinning neutron star that is bar-like deformed by a dynamical instability.
LISA Pathfinder was a test mission of the European Space Agency ESA for the LISA mission. LISA Pathfinder demonstrated central LISA technologies with which the first gravitational wave observatory in space will observe low-frequency gravitational waves.
LISA technology is now being used for Earth observation and will improve future satellite geodesy missions. GRACE Follow-On observes the critical indicators of climate change through changes in Earth's gravitational field.
Rainer Weiss talks about how the long collaboration with the Max Planck Society's gravitational-wave researchers has shaped this field of science from the very beginning and how their findings helped him with the first LIGO study.
GEO600 is a ground-based interferometric gravitational wave detector located near Hannover, Germany. GEO600 is part of a worldwide network of gravitational wave detectors. more
Scientists have studied what happens when two stellar-mass black holes merge near a more massive black hole. They have calculated how strong space-time curvature modifies the gravitational waveforms and how this might be detected in future observations.
The state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia has unanimously pledged its support for the groundbreaking international science project Einstein Telescope (ET).
The proposal to include the Einstein Telescope, a pioneering third-generation gravitational-wave (GW) observatory, in the 2021 update of the European Strategic Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) roadmap has been submitted.
International team led by Max Planck researchers finds promising new candidates for gravitational waves from binary black hole mergers in public LIGO/Virgo data