Publications of S. L. Nadji

Journal Article (51)

Journal Article
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; the Virgo Collaboration; the KAGRA Collaboration; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adhikari, N.; Adhikari, R. X. et al.: All-sky, all-frequency directional search for persistent gravitational-waves from Advanced LIGO's and Advanced Virgo's first three observing runs. Physical Review D 105 (12), 122001 (2022)
Journal Article
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; the Virgo Collaboration; the KAGRA Collaboration; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adhikari, N.; Adhikari, R. X. et al.: Narrowband searches for continuous and long-duration transient gravitational waves from known pulsars in the LIGO-Virgo third observing run. The Astrophysical Journal 932 (2), 133 (2022)
Journal Article
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; the Virgo Collaboration; the KAGRA Collaboration; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adhikari, N.; Adhikari, R. X. et al.: Search for Subsolar-Mass Binaries in the First Half of Advanced LIGO’s and Advanced Virgo’s Third Observing Run. Physical Review Letters 129 (6), 061803 (2022)
Journal Article
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; the Virgo Collaboration; the KAGRA Collaboration; Abbott, R.; Abe, H.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adhicary, S.; Adhikari, N.; Adhikari, R. X. et al.: Model-based cross-correlation search for gravitational waves from the low-mass X-ray binary Scorpius X-1 in LIGO O3 data. Astrophysical Journal Letters 941 (2), L30 (2022)
Journal Article
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; the Virgo Collaboration; the KAGRA Collaboration; Abbott, R.; Abe, H.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adhikari, N.; Adhikari, R. X.; Adkins, V. K. et al.: All-sky search for gravitational wave emission from scalar boson clouds around spinning black holes in LIGO O3 data. Physical Review D 105 (10), 102001 (2022)
Journal Article
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; the Virgo Collaboration; the KAGRA Collaboration; Abbott, R.; Abe, H.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adhikari, N.; Adhikari, R. X.; Adkins, V. K. et al.: First joint observation by the underground gravitational-wave detector, KAGRA, with GEO600. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2022 (6), 063F01 (2022)
Journal Article
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; the Virgo Collaboration; the KAGRA Collaboration; Abbott, R.; Abe, H.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adhikari, N.; Adhikari, R. X.; Adkins, V. K. et al.: Search for continuous gravitational wave emission from the Milky Way center in O3 LIGO--Virgo data. Physical Review D 106 (4), 042003 (2022)
Journal Article
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; the Virgo Collaboration; the KAGRA Collaboration; Abbott, R.; Abe, H.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adhikari, N.; Adhikari, R. X.; Adkins, V. K. et al.: Search for gravitational waves from Scorpius X-1 with a hidden Markov model in O3 LIGO data. Physical Review D 106 (6), 062002 (2022)
Journal Article
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; the Virgo Collaboration; the KAGRA Collaboration; Abbott, R.; Abe, H.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adhikari, N.; Adhikari, R. X.; Adkins, V. K. et al.: All-sky search for continuous gravitational waves from isolated neutron stars using Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo O3 data. Physical Review D 106 (10), 102008 (2022)
Journal Article
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; the Virgo Collaboration; the KAGRA Collaboration; Abbott, R.; Abe, H.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adhikari, N.; Adhikari, R. X.; Adkins, V. K. et al.: Searches for Gravitational Waves from Known Pulsars at Two Harmonics in the Second and Third LIGO-Virgo Observing Runs. The Astrophysical Journal 935, 1 (2022)
Journal Article
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; the Virgo Collaboration; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adhikari, N.; Adhikari, R. X.; Adya, V. B. et al.: Search of the Early O3 LIGO Data for Continuous Gravitational Waves from the Cassiopeia A and Vela Jr. Supernova Remnants. Physical Review D 105 (8), 082005 (2022)
Journal Article
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; The Virgo Collaboration; The KAGRA Collaboration; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abraham, S.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, A.; Adams, C. et al.: Diving below the spin-down limit: Constraints on gravitational waves from the energetic young pulsar PSR J0537-6910. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 913 (2), L27 (2021)
Journal Article
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; The Virgo Collaboration; The KAGRA Collaboration; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abraham, S.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, A.; Adams, C. et al.: Constraints on cosmic strings using data from the third Advanced LIGO-Virgo observing run. Physical Review Letters 126 (24), 241102 (2021)
Journal Article
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; The Virgo Collaboration; The KAGRA Collaboration; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abraham, S.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, A.; Adams, C. et al.: Upper Limits on the Isotropic Gravitational-Wave Background from Advanced LIGO's and Advanced Virgo's Third Observing Run. Physical Review D 104 (2), 022004 (2021)
Journal Article
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; The Virgo Collaboration; The KAGRA Collaboration; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abraham, S.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, A.; Adams, C. et al.: Search for anisotropic gravitational-wave backgrounds using data from Advanced LIGO's and Advanced Virgo's first three observing runs. Physical Review D 104 (2), 022005 (2021)
Journal Article
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; the Virgo Collaboration; the KAGRA Collaboration; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abraham, S.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, A.; Adams, C. et al.: Constraints from LIGO O3 data on gravitational-wave emission due to r-modes in the glitching pulsar PSR J0537-6910. The Astrophysical Journal 922 (1), 71 (2021)
Journal Article
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; The Virgo Collaboration; The KAGRA Collaboration; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abraham, S.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, A.; Adams, C. et al.: Observation of gravitational waves from two neutron star-black hole coalescences. Astrophysical Journal, Letters 915, L5 (2021)
Journal Article
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; The Virgo Collaboration; The KAGRA Collaboration; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abraham, S.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, A.; Adams, C. et al.: All-sky Search for Continuous Gravitational Waves from Isolated Neutron Stars in the Early O3 LIGO Data. Physical Review D 104 (8), 082004 (2021)
Journal Article
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; The Virgo Collaboration; The KAGRA Collaboration; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abraham, S.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, A.; Adams, C. et al.: Searches for continuous gravitational waves from young supernova remnants in the early third observing run of Advanced LIGO and Virgo. The Astrophysical Journal 921 (1), 80 (2021)
Journal Article
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; The Virgo Collaboration; The KAGRA Collaboration; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adhikari, N.; Adhikari, R. X. et al.: All-sky search for short gravitational-wave bursts in the third Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo run. Physical Review D 104 (12), 122004 (2021)