Publications of M. Hewitson
All genres
Conference Paper (45)
Conference Paper
840, 012038, (2017)
LISA Pathfinder closed-loop analysis: a model breakdown of the in-loop observables. 11th International LISA Symposium. Journal of Physics Conference Series 182.
Conference Paper
Instrument Noise Simulation for GRACE Follow-On. In: American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2016, G11C-07. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, December 12, 2016 - December 16, 2016. (2016)
Conference Paper
18, EPSC2016-6284. EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna Austria, April 17, 2016 - April 22, 2016. (2016)
Introducing GRACE Follow-On mock data challenge project. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 184.
Conference Paper
61 (6), (2016)
LISA Pathfinder: picometers and femtoNewtons in space. APS April Meeting 2016, Salt Lake City, Utah , April 16, 2016 - April 19, 2016. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 185.
Conference Paper
Introducing data analysis challenges for GRACE and GRACE Follow-on. In: American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2016, G11C-06. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, December 12, 2016 - December 16, 2016. (2016)
Conference Paper
610, 012036, (2015)
A noise simulator for eLISA: Migrating LISA Pathfinder knowledge to the eLISA mission. 10th International LISA Symposium (LISAX), Florida, USA, May 18, 2014 - May 23, 2014. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 187.
Conference Paper
610, 012024, (2015)
Bayesian statistics for the calibration of the LISA Pathfinder experiment. 10th International LISA Symposium (LISAX), Florida, USA, May 18, 2014 - May 23, 2014. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 188.
Conference Paper
610, 012024 , (2015)
Disentangling the magnetic force noise contribution in LISA Pathfinder. 10th International LISA Symposium
, Florida, USA, May 18, 2014 - May 23, 2014. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 189.
Conference Paper
610, 012005, (2015)
The LISA Pathfinder Mission. 10th International LISA Symposium, Florida, USA, May 18, 2014 - May 23, 2014. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 190.
Conference Paper
610, 012006, (2015)
Free-flight experiments in LISA Pathfinder. 10th International LISA Symposium, Florida, USA, May 18, 2014 - May 23, 2014. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 191.
Conference Paper
610, 0120206, (2015)
A Strategy to Characterize the LISA-Pathfinder Cold Gas Thruster System. 10th International LISA Symposium, Florida, USA, May 18, 2014 - May 23, 2014. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 192.
Conference Paper
610, 012023, (2015)
In-flight thermal experiments for LISA Pathfinder: Simulating temperature noise at the Inertial Sensors. 10th International LISA Symposium (LISAX), Florida, USA, May 18, 2014 - May 23, 2014. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 193.
Conference Paper
Mission Operations of LISA Pathfinder. In: Proceedings. 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Moscow, Russia, August 02, 2014 - August 10, 2014. (2014)
Conference Paper
eLISA: A mission to study the entire universe with gravitational waves. In: Proceedings. 223rd AAS Meeting was held 5-9 January 2014 at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, 201 Waterfront Street, National Harbor, , Maryland, USA, January 05, 2014 - January 09, 2014. (2014)
Conference Paper
467, pp. 301 - 302 (2013)
LISA Optical Bench Testbed. The 9th LISA Symposium, Paris, May 21, 2012 - May 25, 2012. ASP Conference Series 196.
Conference Paper
467, pp. 5 - 16 (2013)
The LISA Pathfinder Mission. 9TH LISA SYMPOSIUM, Paris, France, May 21, 2012 - May 25, 2012. ASP Conference Series Volumes 197.
Conference Paper
467, pp. 161 - 172 (2013)
State space modelling and data analysis exercises in LISA Pathfinder. 9th International LISA Symposium, Paris, May 21, 2012 - May 25, 2012. ASP Conference Series 198.
Conference Paper
29 (12), 124014, (2012)
The LISA Pathfinder mission. 9th Edoardo Amaldi Meeting and the 2011 Numerical Relativity and Data Analysis Meeting (AMALDI 9/NRDA 2011), Cardiff University, July 10, 2011 - July 15, 2011. Classical and quantum gravity 199.
Conference Paper
363, 012053, (2012)
Parameter estimation in LISA Pathfinder operational exercises. 9th Edoardo Amaldi conference on gravitational waves (Amaldi 9) and the 2011 Numerical Relativity – Data Analysis meeting (NRDA 2011), Cardiff, July 10, 2011 - July 15, 2011. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 200.
Conference Paper
28 (9), 094001, (2011)
LISA Pathfinder: mission and status. 8th International LISA Symposium, Stanford University, California, USA, June 28, 2010 - July 02, 2010. Classical and quantum gravity