Publications of Bernard F. Schutz

Journal Article (297)

Journal Article
Schutz, B. F.: Perturbations and Stability of Rotating Stars. 2: Properties of the eigenvectors and a variational principle. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 190 (1), pp. 7 - 20 (1980)
Journal Article
Schutz, B. F.: Perturbations and Stability of Rotating Stars. 3: Perturbation-Theory for Eigenvalues. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 190 (1), pp. 21 - 31 (1980)
Journal Article
Schutz, B. F.: General Variational Principle for Normal Modes of Rotating Stars. Astrophysical Journal 232 (3), pp. 874 - 877 (1979)
Journal Article
Dyson, J.; Schutz, B. F.: Perturbations and Stability of Rotating Stars. 1: Completeness of Normal Modes. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A 368 (1734), pp. 389 - 410 (1979)
Journal Article
Schutz, B. F.; Comins, N.: On the ergoregion instability. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences 364 (1717), pp. 211 - 266 (1978)
Journal Article
Friedman, J. L.; Schutz, B. F.: Secular instability of rotating Newtonian stars. Astrophysical Journal 222, pp. 281 - 296 (1978)
Journal Article
Schutz, B. F.; Comins, N.: On the Existence of ergoregions in rotating stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 182, pp. 69 - 76 (1978)
Journal Article
Schutz, B. F.; Friedman, J. L.; Bardeen, J. M.; Sorkin, R.: A New Criterion for Secular Instability of Rapidly Rotating Stars. The Astrophysical Journal 217, pp. L49 - L53 (1977)
Journal Article
Schutz, B. F.; Sorkin, R.: Variational aspects of relativistic field theories, with application to perfect fluids. Annals of Physics 107 (1-2), pp. 1 - 43 (1977)
Journal Article
Schutz, B. F.; Friedman, J. L.: On the Stability of Relativistic Systems. The Astrophysical Journal 200, pp. 204 - 220 (1975)
Journal Article
Schutz, B. F.; Friedman, J. L.: Gravitational Radiation Instability in Rotating Stars. The Astrophysical Journal 199, pp. L157 - L159 (1975)
Journal Article
Schutz, B. F.: On the strength of a system of partial differential equations. Journal of Mathematical Physics 16 (4), pp. 855 - 856 (1975)
Journal Article
Schutz, B. F.; Friedman, J. L.: Axisymmetric Stability of Kerr Black Holes. Physical Review Letters 32 (5), pp. 243 - 245 (1974)
Journal Article
Schutz, B. F.; Gibbons, G. W.: Limits on Gravitational Radiation from two Gravitationally Bound Black Holes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 159, pp. 41P - 45P (1972)
Journal Article
Schutz, B. F.: Hamiltonian Theory of a Relativistic Perfect Fluid. Physical Review D 4 (12), pp. 3559 - 3566 (1971)
Journal Article
Schutz, B. F.: Perfect Fluids in General Relativity: Velocity Potentials and a Variational Principle. Physical Review D 2 (12), pp. 2762 - 2773 (1970)
Journal Article
Schutz, B. F.: Taylor Instabilities in Relativistic Stars. Astrophysical Journal 161, pp. 1173 - 1176 (1970)

Book (4)

Everitt, C.W.F.; Huber, M.C.E.; Kallenbach, R.; Schäfer, G.; Schutz, B. F.; Treumann, R.A.: Probing the Nature of Gravity: confronting theory and experiments in space. Springer (2010), 574 pp.
Schutz, B. F. (Ed.): Gravity from the Ground Up: An Introductory Guide to Gravity and General Relativity. (2003)
Schutz, B. F.: A First Course in General Relativity. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge (1985), 376 pp.
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