Publications of Bernard F. Schutz

Conference Paper (98)

Conference Paper
Schutz, B. F.: Sources of gravitational radiation for detectors in the 21st century. In: First Edoardo Amaldi Conference on gravitational wave experiments (Eds. Coccia, E.; Pizella, G.; Ronga, F.). First Edoardo Amaldi Conference on gravitational wave experiments, Vila Tuscolana (Frascati), Rome, Italy, June 14, 1994 - June 17, 1994. World Scientific, Singapore [u.a.] (1995)
Conference Paper
Schutz, B. F.: Searching for gravitational waves. In: 1993 CERN school of computing: Proceedings of the 16th school held in Scuola Superiore Guglielmo Reiss Romoli in L'Aquila, Italy between September 12-25, 1993, pp. 274 - 294. 16th school held in Scuola Superiore Guglielmo Reiss Romoli, L'Aquila, Italy, September 12, 1993 - September 25, 1993. CERN, Geneva, Geneva (1994)
Conference Paper
Schutz, B. F.: Gravitational Waves and Numerical Relativity. In: Advances in gravitation and cosmology: proceedings of the Second International Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology, pp. 109 - 119 (Ed. Iyer, B. R.). International Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology, Ahmedabad, India, December 13, 1991 - December 18, 1991. Wiley Eastern, New Delhi [u.a.] (1993)
Conference Paper
Schutz, B. F.: Low-frequency sources of gravitational waves. In: The first William Fairbank Meeting on Relativistic Gravitational Experiments in Space: proceedings of the meeting held at the University of Rome, September 10 - 14, 1990 (Eds. Demianski, M.; Everitt, C. W. F.). 1. William Fairbank Meeting on Relativistic Gravitational Experiments in Space, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy, September 10, 1990 - September 14, 1990. World Scientific, Singapore [u.a.] (1993)
Conference Paper
Schutz, B. F.: Sources of Gravitational Waves and their detectability. In: General relativity and gravitation 1992: proceedings of the thirteenth International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, pp. 191 - 209 (Eds. Gleiser, R. J.; Kozameh, C. N.; Moreschi, O. M.). 13th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Cordoba, Argentina, June 28, 1992 - July 04, 1992. Institute of Physics Publ., Bristol [u.a.] (1993)
Conference Paper
Alcubierre, M.; Schutz, B. F.: Time Symmetric Adi and Casual Reconnection. In: Approaches to numerical relativity: proceedings of the International Workshop on Numerical Relativity, Southampton, December 1991, pp. 297 - 307 (Ed. D'Inverno, R. A.). International Workshop on Numerical Relativity, Southampton, U.K., December 16, 1991 - December 20, 1991. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [u.a.] (1992)
Conference Paper
Danzmann, K.; Chen, J. M.; Nelson, P. G.; Niebauer, T. M.; Rüdiger, A.; Schilling, R.; Schnupp, L.; Strain, K. A.; Walther, H.; Winkler, W. et al.; Hough, J.; Campbell, A. M.; Cantley, C. A.; Logan, J. E.; Meers, B. J.; Morrison, E.; Newton, G. P.; Robertson, D. I.; Robertson, N. A.; Rowan, S.; Skeldon, K. D.; Veitch, P. J.; Ward, H.; Welling, H.; Aufmuth, P.; Kröpke, I.; Ristau, D.; Hall, J. E.; Bennett, J. R. J.; Corbett, I. F.; Edwards, B. W. H.; Elsey, R. J.; Greenhalgh, R. J. S.; Schutz, B. F.; Nicholson, D.; Shuttleworth, J. R.; Ehlers, J.; Kafka, P.; Schäfer, G.; Braun, H.; Kose, V.: The GEO-project a long-baseline laser interferometer for the detection of gravitational waves. In: Relativistic Gravity Research: With Emphasis on Experiments and Observations (Ed. Ehlers, J.). WE-Heraeus-Seminar, 81th, Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, Germany, September 02, 1991 - September 06, 1991. Springer, Berlin u.a. (1992)
Conference Paper
Schutz, B. F.; Nicholson, D.; Shuttleworth, J. R.; Watkins, W. J.: Progress in Gravitational Wave Detections. In: Proceedings of the Sixth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories, pp. 163 - 175 (Eds. Sato, H.; Nakamura, T.). Sixth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories, Kyoto, Japan, June 23, 1991 - June 29, 1991. World Scientific, Singapore (1992)
Conference Paper
Winkler, W.; Chen, J.; Danzmann, K.; Nelson, P. G.; Niebauer, T. M.; Rüdiger, A.; Schilling, R.; Strain, K. A.; Schnupp, L.; Walther, H. et al.; Hough, J.; Campbell, A. M.; Cantley, C. A.; Logan, J. E.; Meers, B. J.; Morrison, E.; Newton, G. P.; Robertson, D. I.; Robertson, N. A.; Rowan, S.; Skeldon, K. D.; Veitch, P. J.; Ward, H.; Welling, H.; Aufmuth, P.; Kröpke, I.; Ristau, D.; Hall, J. E.; Bennett, J. R. J.; Corbett, I. F.; Edwards, B. W. H.; Elsey, R. J.; Greenhalgh, R. J. S.; Schutz, B. F.; Nicholson, D.; Shuttleworth, J. R.; Ehlers, J.; Kafka, P.; Schäfer, G.; Braun, H.; Kose, V.: Mechanical aspects in interferometric gravity wave detectors. In: Relativistic Gravity Research With Emphasis on Experiments and Observations (Ed. Ehlers, J.). 81 WE-Heraeus-Seminar, Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, Germany, September 02, 1991 - September 06, 1991. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg (1992)
Conference Paper
Winkler, W.; Chen, J. M.; Danzmann, K.; Nelson, P. G.; Niebauer, T. M.; Rüdiger, A.; Schilling, R.; Strain, K. A.; Schnupp, L.; Walther, H. et al.; Hough, J.; Campbell, A. M.; Cantley, C. A.; Logan, J. E.; Meers, B. J.; Morrison, E.; Newton, G. P.; Robertson, D. I.; Robertson, N. A.; Rowan, S.; Skeldon, K. D.; Veitch, P. J.; Ward, H.; Welling, H.; Aufmuth, P.; Kröpke, I.; Ristau, D.; Hall, J. E.; Bennett, J. R. J.; Corbett, I. F.; Edwards, B. W. H.; Elsey, R. J.; Greenhalgh, R. J. S.; Schutz, B. F.; Nicholson, D.; Shuttleworth, J. R.; Ehlers, J.; Kafka, P.; Schäfer, G.; Braun, H.; Kose, V.: The optics of an interferometric gravitational-wave antenna. In: Relativistic Gravity Research: With Emphasis on Experiments and Observations (Ed. Ehlers, J.). WE-Heraeus-Seminar, 81th, Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, Germany, September 02, 1991 - September 06, 1991. Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg (1992)
Conference Paper
Schutz, B. F.: Gravitational Waves. In: Proceedings of the `Relativity Meeting - 89'. Recent Developments in Gravitation, pp. 193 - 222 (Eds. Verdaguer, E.; Garriga, J.; Cespedes, J.). Proceedings of the `Relativity Meeting - 89'. Recent Developments in Gravitation, Barcelona, Spain, September 05, 1989 - September 08, 1989. (1990)
Conference Paper
Schutz, B. F.: Timing Accuracy of Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detectors. In: General relativity and gravitation, 1989: proceedings of the 12th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, University of Colorado at Boulder, July 2 - 8, 1989, p. 583 (Eds. Ashby, N.; Bartlett, D. F.; Wyss, W.). 12th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Boulder, Colorado, USA, July 02, 1989 - July 08, 1989. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1990)
Conference Paper
Schutz, B. F.: Gravitational Radiation. In: Fourteenth Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics (Ed. Fenyves, E. J.). Fourteenth Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Dallas, Texas, December 11, 1988 - December 16, 1988. (1989)
Conference Paper
Kojima, Y.; Schutz, B. F.: 3-D Hydrodynamics Code with Newtonian Gravity. In: General Relativity and Gravitation, 1989: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, p. 312 (Eds. Ashby, N.; Bartlett, D. F.; Wyss, W.). 12th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Boulder, Colorado, USA, July 02, 1989 - July 08, 1989. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1989)
Conference Paper
Robertson, N. A.; Hough, J.; Kerr, G. A.; Meers, B. J.; Newton, G. P.; Ward, H.; Cantley, C. A.; MacKenzie, N. L.; Robertson, D. I.; Strain, K. A. et al.; Schutz, B. F.: Future Prospects for Gravitational Wave Experiments in Britain. In: The Fifth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on recent developments in theoretical and experimental general relativity, gravitation and relativistic field theories, pp. 1775 - 1780 (Eds. Blair, D.G.; Buckingham, M.J.). Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories, University of Western Australia, August 08, 1988 - August 13, 1988. World Scientific, Singapore [u.a.] (1989)
Conference Paper
Schutz, B. F.: Data Analysis Requirements of Networks of Detectors. Advanced Research Workshop on Gravitational Wave Data Analysis, Dyffryn House, St. Nicholas, Cardiff, Wales, U.K., July 06, 1987 - July 09, 1987. Gravitational wave data analysis: proceedings of the Advanced Research Workshop on Gravitational Wave Data Analysis, (1989)
Conference Paper
Schutz, B. F.: Gravitational Waves. In: TAUP 89, pp. 167 - 185 (Ed. Bottino, A.). TAUP 89 ; Workshop on Theoretical and Phenomenological Aspects of Underground Physics ; Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Underground Physics, Aquila, September 25, 1989 - September 28, 1989. Ed. Frontières, Gif-sur-Yvette, France (1989)
Conference Paper
Schutz, B. F.: Sources of Gravitational Radiation. In: Gravitational wave data analysis: proceedings of the Advanced Research Workshop on Gravitational Wave Data Analysis (Ed. Schutz, B. F.). NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Gravitational Wave Data Analysis, Dyffryn House, St. Nicholas, Cardiff, Wales, UK, July 06, 1987 - July 09, 1987. Kluwer, Dordrecht [u.a.] (1989)
Conference Paper
Schutz, B. F.: Sources of gravitational waves. In: Relativistic gravitational experiments in space: roceedings of a Workshop, Vol. SEE N90-19940 12-90 (Ed. Hellings, R. W.). Workshop on Relativistic Gravitation Experiments in Space, Annapolis/Md., June 28, 1988 - June 30, 1988. NASA, Washington, D.C. (1989)
Conference Paper
Schutz, B. F.: Sources of radiation from neutron stars. In: Proceedings of Second Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop, pp. 133 - 143. Second Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop, Orsay, France, 1997-11. Editions Frontieres, Paris (1989)
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