Dr. Lorenzo Speri

Junior Scientist/Postdoc
Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity
Location Potsdam
+49 331 567-7185
+49 331 567-7298

Main Focus

My research interests are in gravitational waveform modeling and data analysis of LISA and PTA sources.

In particular, I work on the development of  Extreme Mass Ratio Inspiral waveform models and I study the impact of inaccurate modeling on parameter estimation. 

I am also interested in exploring how gravitational wave observations can be used as probes of cosmology. In particular, I develop statistical tools to constrain cosmological parameters with LISA standard siren observations.

As a member of the European Pulsar Timing Array collaboration, I work on developing robust statistical tools for the analysis of Pulsar Timing Array datasets. 

Publication list


Curriculum Vitae

2015-2018: Bachelor Degree in Physics, University of Trento. My bachelor thesis project was conducted under the supervision of prof. Bruno Giacomazzo and it focused on the analysis of gravitational waves from numerical simulations of compact binaries produced with the EinsteinToolkit. https://github.com/lorenzsp/thesis

2018-2020 Master Degree in Theoretical Physics, University of Heidelberg. My master thesis project was conducted under the supervision of prof. Jonathan Gair and prof. Matthias Bartelmann. The aim of my project was to study how transient orbital resonances affect Extreme Mass Ratio Inspiral gravitational wave signals and their detectability with LISA.

Starting from September 2020 I am a PhD student in the Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity division under the supervision of Dr. Jonathan Gair.

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