Girls only – the Summer Uni
Online Lecture
- Start: Jul 20, 2020
- End: Jul 24, 2020
- Speaker: Markus Otto
- Location: online

Part of this year's Summer Uni program is “Von Ladungen und Blitzen - eine Einführung in die Elektrostatik” an exciting physics lecture with experiments by AEI lecturer Dr. Markus Otto.
Due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the summer UNI will take place online this year. As in the past, Girls only - the Summer Uni gives schoolgirls (10th to 13th grade) the opportunity to gain insight into the different MINT areas at Leibniz University Hannover. Part of this year's program is “Von Ladungen und Blitzen - eine Einführung in die Elektrostatik” an exciting physics lecture with experiments by AEI lecturer Dr. Markus Otto.