Events in 2024

Location: Cumberlandsche Bühne, Hannover
More than 100 years ago, Albert Einstein calculated that space and time can wobble and vibrate like jelly. These vibrations, known as gravitational waves, are created when stars explode or black holes collide. After researchers first observed these gravitational waves in September 2015, almost a hundred such observations have been made to date. They provide unique insights into the dark universe and its secrets. [more]
Gravitational waves have been providing unique insights into black holes and neutron stars since 2015. Researchers are working intensively on the planning and construction of new detectors – not only on Earth, but also in space. The LISA satellite mission, an initiative of the European Space Agency with contributions from NASA, will be launched in just over 10 years and will measure gravitational waves that cannot be detected from Earth. [more]
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