Events in 2024

Host: Haus der Astronomie

Astro & Co. (in German) “LISA: Hunting gravitational waves in space”

Online talk show
In 2015, a new window on the Universe opened with the detection of gravitational waves from the merger of two black holes. LISA will be the first gravitational-wave observatory in space and will considerably expand our knowledge of the various sources of gravitational waves. [more]

Astro & Co. (in German) “How LISA's gravitational-wave hunt in space works”

The LISA observatory will be the first gravitational-wave observatory in space. It will consist of three satellites that form a triangular detector with arms 2.5 million kilometres long, which follows the Earth as it orbits the Sun. The satellites will act as a giant interferometer to measure changes in the distance between the satellites caused by gravitational waves. [more]
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