70 Watt laser system for ALPS II
The main AEI ALPS II hardware contribution is the 70 Watt high power laser system and components that shape the laser beam to match the Eigenmode of the ALPS II production cavity.

The main AEI ALPS II hardware contribution is the 70 Watt high power laser system and components that shape the laser beam to match the Eigenmode of the ALPS II production cavity.
These components are located on an optical table and are, together with the first long ALPS resonator, referred to as the ALPS II generation system. Many of the mechanical mounts are custom parts built in the AEI's mechanical workshop.
The ALPS II laser system was prepared in a dust free environment at AEI Hannover and used to fit check all components and test some basic operation modes of the ALPS II generation system. Afterwards it was packed and shipped to DESY in Hamburg. It now sits on the ALPS II site in the HERA north hall.