Journal Article (166)

Journal Article
Domoto, N.; Wanajo, S.; Tanaka, M.; Kato, D.; Hotokezaka, K.: Thorium in Kilonova Spectra: Exploring the Heaviest Detectable Element. The Astrophysical Journal 978 (1), 99 (2025)
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Kawaguchi, K.; Fujibayashi, S.; Shibata, M.: Long-term Monte Carlo-based neutrino-radiation hydrodynamics simulations for a black hole-torus system. Physical Review D 111 (2), 023015 (2025)
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Pognan, Q.; Grumer, J.; Jerkstrand, A.; Wanajo, S.: NLTE Spectra of Kilonovae [Correction to vol 526, pg 5220, 2023]. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 537 (2), pp. 1093 - 1098 (2025)
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Pognan, Q.; Wu, M.-R.; Martínez-Pinedo, G.; da Silva, R. F.; Jerkstrand, A.; Grumer, J.; Flörs, A.: Actinide signatures in low electron fraction kilonova ejecta. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 536 (3), pp. 2973 - 2992 (2025)
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Porter, K.; Noble, S. C.; Gutierrez, E. M.; Pelle, J.; Campanelli, M.; Schnittman, J.; Kelly, B. J.: A Parameter Study of the Electromagnetic Signatures of an Analytical Mini-Disk Model for Supermassive Binary Black Hole Systems. The Astrophysical Journal 979 (2), 155 (2025)
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Shibata, M.; Fujibayashi, S.; Jockel, C.; Kawaguchi, K.: Threshold mass of the general relativistic instability for supermassive star cores. The Astrophysical Journal 978 (1), 58 (2025)
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Liu, Y.; Li, H.-B.; Gao, Y.; Shao, L.; Hu, Z.: Effects from Dark Matter Halos on X-ray Pulsar Pulse Profiles. (2024)
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Chen, S.; Wang, L.; Hayashi, K.; Kawaguchi, K.; Kiuchi, K.; Shibata, M.: Black hole-neutron star mergers with massive neutron stars in numerical relativity. Physical Review D 110 (6), 063016 (2024)
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Cheng, T.; Kuan, H.-J.; Li, Y.-Y.; Brdar, V.: Magnetar-powered Neutrinos and Magnetic Moment Signatures at IceCube. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2024 (07), 026 (2024)
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Crosato Menegazzi, L.; Fujibayashi, S.; Takahashi, K.; Ishii , A.: Variety of disc wind-driven explosions in massive rotating stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 529 (1), pp. 178 - 195 (2024)
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Fujibayashi, S.; Lam, A. T. L.; Shibata, M.; Sekiguchi, Y.: Supernovalike explosions of massive rotating stars from disks surrounding a black hole. Physical Review D 109 (2), 023031 (2024)
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Gao, Y.; Desvignes, G.; Shao, L.: A freely precessing magnetar. Chinese Science Bulletin 69 (25), pp. 3675 - 3677 (2024)
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Hamidani, H.; Tanaka, M.; Kimura, S. S.; Lamb, G. P.; Kawaguchi, K.: GRB 211211A: The Case for an Engine Powered over r-Process Powered Blue Kilonova. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 971 (2), L30 (2024)
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Held, L. E.; Mamatsashvili, G.; Pessah, M. E.: MRI turbulence in vertically stratified accretion discs at large magnetic Prandtl numbers. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 530 (2), pp. 2232 - 2250 (2024)
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Jockel, C.; Menger, L.: The Effect of Torsion on Neutron Star Structure in Einstein-Cartan Gravity. Physical Review D 110, 104022 (2024)
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Jockel, C.; Sagunski, L.: Fermion Proca Stars: Vector Dark Matter Admixed Neutron Stars. Particles 7 (1), pp. 52 - 79 (2024)
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Kang, Y.; Liu, C.; Zhu, J.-P.; Gao, Y.; Shao, L.; Zhang, B.; Sun, H.; Yin, Y.-H. I.; Zhang, B.-B.: Prospects for detecting neutron star-white dwarf mergers with decihertz gravitational-wave observatories. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 528 (3), pp. 5309 - 5322 (2024)
Journal Article
Kawaguchi, K.; Domoto, N.; Fujibayashi, S.; Hayashi, K.; Hamidani, H.; Shibata, M.; Tanaka , M.; Wanajo, S.: Three dimensional end-to-end simulation for kilonova emission from a black-hole neutron-star merger. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 535 (4), pp. 3711 - 3731 (2024)
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Kiuchi, K.; Reboul-Salze, A.; Shibata, M.; Sekiguchi, Y.: A large-scale magnetic field produced by a solar-like dynamo in binary neutron star mergers. Nature Astronomy (2024)
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Kuroda, T.; Shibata, M.: Numerical relativity simulations of black hole and relativistic jet formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 533 (1), pp. L107 - L112 (2024)
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