Members of the Laser Interferometry and Gravitational Wave Astronomy Department

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Tim Bartelsmeier
PhD Student
  • +49 511 762-12381
3406 131
Dr. Artem Basalaev
Junior Scientist/Postdoc
  • +49 511 762-14007
3403 112
Johannes Bäuerlein
PhD Student
  • +49 511 762-12304
3401 -105 (3405 laborgeb.)
Pallavi Bekal
PhD Student
  • +49 511 762-12201
3406 109
Dr. Christoph Bode
Junior Scientist/Postdoc
  • +49 511 762-17087
3406 030
Dr. Nina Bode
Junior Scientist/Postdoc
  • +49 511 762-17076
3405 112
Dr. Johanna Bogenstahl
Senior Scientist
3406 015
Dr. Michael Born
  • +49 511 762-17533
3401 003
Marc Brinkmann
Operator GEO600
  • +49 511 762-6138
Dr. Michael Britzger
Senior Manager Space Projects
  • +49 511 762-18887
3406 116
Maria Buling
Research Software Engineer
3406 321
Dr. Iouri Bykov
  • +49 511 762-17030
3406 024
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