Institute staff
Name | Phone | Room | Groups, Location | |
Roman Godley PhD Student |
| roman.godley@... | 3406 123 |
Dr. Boris Goncharov Senior Scientist |
| boris.goncharov@... | 3401 035 |
Dr. Srashti Goyal Junior Scientist/Postdoc |
| srashti.goyal@... | 1.66 |
Stefano Gozzo PhD Student | stefano.gozzo@... |
| ||
Pascal Grafe PhD Student | pascal.grafe@... |
| ||
Dr. Steffen Grunewald Cluster Administrator |
| steffen.grunewald@... | 2.02 |
Nihar Gupte PhD Student |
| nihar.gupte@... | 0.15 |
Marcus Haberland PhD Student |
| marcus.haberland@... | 0.15 |
Lukas Hagemann Student Assistant |
| lukas.hagemann@... | 3401 041 |
Farzaneh Haghparast Aghchekand Student Assistant | farzaneh.aghchekand@... |
| ||
Robert Dirk Halbach Master Student |
| robert.halbach@... | 3401 116 |
Brett Hall Trainee |
| brett.hall@... | 1.03 |
Chris Hagen Hammer Master Student |
| chris.hammer@... | 3406 130 |
Prof. Klemens Hammerer Professor |
| klemens.hammerer@... | 3401 114 |
Dr. Ming-Zhe Han Junior Scientist/Postdoc |
| ming-zhe.han@... | 0.33 |
Dr. Olaf Hartwig Junior Scientist/Postdoc |
| olaf.hartwig@... | 3409 005 |
Dr. Kota Hayashi Junior Scientist/Postdoc |
| kota.hayashi@... | 0.33 |
Najeeb Hazem Student Assistant | najeeb.hazem@... |
| ||
Stefan Heinich Web Developer |
| stefan.heinich@... | 2.03 |
Apl. Prof. Gerhard Heinzel Group Leader |
| gerhard.heinzel@... | 3406 023 |
Dr. Sudipta Hensh Scientist |
| sudipta.hensh@... | 2.23 |
Arkadiusz Hess |
| |||
Ben Heuermann |
| |||
Prof. Dr. Michèle Heurs Professor |
| michele.heurs@... | 3406 127 |
Jiang Ji Ho Zhang PhD Student |
| jiangji.hozhang@... | 3406 006 |
Hans-Jörg Hochecker Electronics Technician |
| hans-joerg.hochecker@... | 3401 027 |
Brit Holland Director's Assistant |
| brit.holland@... | 1.22 |
Susanne Holldorf Human Resources Professional |
| susanne.holldorf@... | Z-1.007 |
Bero Honegger Bachelor Student |
| bero.honegger@... | 3401 141 |
Lasse Hothan Student Assistant | lasse.hothan@... |
| ||
Fabian Hövel Research Engineer |
| fabian.hoevel@... | 3406 115 |
Dr. Gustav Uhre Jakobsen (visiting) Junior Scientist/Postdoc |
| gustav.jakobsen@... |
| |
Daniel Jestrabek PhD Student |
| daniel.jestrabek@... | 3406 006 |
Cédric Jockel PhD Student |
| cedric.jockel@... | 0.20 |
Nived Johny PhD Student |
| nived.johny@... | 3406 125 |
Prasanna Mohan Joshi PhD Student |
| prasanna.mohan.joshi@... | 3401 033 |
Dr. Félix-Louis Julié Senior Scientist/Leibniz Fellow |
| felix-louis.julie@... | 0.70 |
Dr. Kanioar Karan Project Manager |
| kanioar.karan@... | 3406 118 |
Dr. Wolfgang Kastaun Junior Scientist/Postdoc |
| wolfgang.kastaun@... | 3409 004 |
Dr. Brigitte Kaune Scientist | brigitte.kaune@... |
| ||
Tim Kaune Research Software Engineer |
| tim.kaune@... | 3406 018 |
Dr. Kyohei Kawaguchi Group Leader |
| kyohei.kawaguchi@... | 0.32 |
Dr. Fumiko Kawazoe Senior Scientist |
| fumiko.kawazoe@... | 3401 121 | Chief Study Officer Exzellenzcluster EXC2123 QuantumFrontiers
Tobias Keller Bachelor Student | tobias.keller@... |
| ||
Riteshbhai Khadela PhD Student |
| riteshbhai.khadela@... | 3405 104 |
Firoz Khan PhD Student |
| firoz.khan@... | 3403 115 |
Oksana Khiari International Office Assistant |
| oksana.khiari@... | 3401 137 |
Dr. Jung-Wook Kim Junior Scientist/Postdoc |
| | 2.21 |
Dr. Kenta Kiuchi Group Leader |
| kenta.kiuchi@... | 2.20 |
Ines Klein Human Resources Professional |
| ines.klein@... | 3401 007 |
Dr. Axel Kleinschmidt Group Leader |
| axel.kleinschmidt@... | 2.10 |
Dr. Benjamin Knispel Press Officer AEI Hannover |
| benjamin.knispel@... | 3401 119 |
Nicole Knust PhD Student |
| nicole.knust@... | 3405 104 |
Alexander Koholka Acting Head of IT Department |
| alexander.koholka@... | 1.02 |
Benedikt König PhD Student |
| benedikt.koenig@... | 2.14 |
Susanne Korff Third-Party Funds Manager |
| susanne.korff@... | 3409 109 |
Philipp Kormann Electronics Technician |
| philipp.kormann@... | 3401 029 |
Dr. Silke Köster-Riemann Head of Administration |
| |||
Patrick Krieger |
| patrick.krieger@... | 3409 116 |
Volker Kringel Operator GEO600 |
| volker.kringel@... | Ruthe |
Prof. Dr. Badri Krishnan Long-term visitor |
| badri.krishnan@... | 3401 043 |
Reshma Krishnan Sudha PhD Student |
| reshma.krishnan.sudha@... | 3406 108 |
Stefan Krüger System Administrator |
| stefan.krueger@... | 1.02 |
Heidi Kruppa Head of Procurement |
| heidi.kruppa@... | 3401 017 |
Karin Kruuse PhD Student |
| karin.kruuse@... | 3401 -120 |
Dr. Hao-Jui Kuan Junior Scientist/Postdoc |
| hao-jui.kuan@... | 0.27 |
Dr. Gerrit Kühn System Administrator |
| gerrit.kuehn@... | 3405 106 |
Dr. Takami Kuroda Senior Scientist |
| takami.kuroda@... | 0.29 |
Kirsten Labove Director's Assistant |
| kirsten.labove@... | 3401 126 |
Gina Lagenstein Student Assistant |
| gina.lagenstein@... | Z-1.009 |
Tsz Lok Lam PhD Student |
| tszlok.lam@... | 0.27 |
Dr. Guillermo Lara Junior Scientist/Postdoc |
| guillermo.lara@... | 2.21 |
Dr. Benjamin Leather Junior Scientist/Postdoc |
| benjamin.leather@... | 0.66 |
Dr. Yongho Lee Junior Scientist/Postdoc |
| yong.lee@... | 3406 108 |
Anja Lehmann Librarian |
| anja.lehmann@... | 2.51 |
Dr. Johannes Lehmann Junior Scientist/Postdoc | johannes.lehmann@... |
| ||
Felix Alexander Lichtner PhD Student |
| felix.lichtner@... | 0.62 |
Dr. Oliver Francis Long Junior Scientist/Postdoc |
| oliver.long@... | 0.66 |
Alicia Lopéz Jaén Research Engineer |
| alicia.lopez.jaen@... | 3406 108 |
Dr. James Lough Group Leader |
| james.lough@... | 3403 115 |
Heike Lovelock Administrative Assistant |
| heike.lovelock@... | 3406 126 |
Sergio Lozano Althammer PhD Student | sergio.lozano.althammer@... |
| ||
Dr. Harald Lück ET Research Unit Leader, Group Leader |
| harald.lueck@... | 3403 110 |
Dr. Philip Lynch Junior Scientist/Postdoc |
| philip.lynch@... | 0.66 |
Bernd Machenschalk Senior Scientist |
| bernd.machenschalk@... | 3401 037 |
Dr. Elisa Maggio Marie Curie Fellow |
| elisa.maggio@... | 0.65 |
Dr. Hannes Malcha Junior Scientist/Postdoc |
| hannes.malcha@... | 0.60 |
Sebastian Malsch Bookkeeper |
| sebastian.malsch@... | 3401 016 |
Dr. Alberto Mangiagli Junior Scientist/Postdoc |
| alberto.mangiagli@... | 1.68 |
Richard Mann Assistant to the Managing Director |
| richard.mann@... | 3401 016 |
Oliver Markwell PhD Student |
| oliver.markwell@... | 0.62 |
Dr. Jean-Philippe Martinez Senior Scientist / Balzan Fellow |
| jean-philippe.martinez@... | 2.31 |
Pablo Martinez Cano PhD Student |
| pablo.martinez.cano@... | 3406 030 |
Jasper Martins PhD Student |
| jasper.martins@... | 3401 141 |
Dr. Mariia Matiushechkina Junior Scientist/Postdoc |
| mariia.matiushechkina@... | 3406 124 |
Brian McGloughlin PhD Student |
| brian.mcgloughlin@... | 3401 135 |
Max Melching Master Student |
| max.melching@... | 3401 116 |
Nicola Menadeo (visiting) PhD Student |
| nicola.menadeo@... | 2.15 |
Gabriele Mensing Third-Party Funds Manager |
| gabriele.mensing@... | 3409 010 |