Publikationen von Myles R. Clark

Zeitschriftenartikel (1)

Yamamoto, K.; Bykov, I.; Reinhardt, J.-N.; Bode, C.; Grafe, P.; Staab, M.; Messied, N.; Clark, M. R.; Fernández Barranco, G.; Schwarze, T. et al.; Hartwig, O.; Delgado, J. J. E.; Heinzel, G.: Experimental end-to-end demonstration of intersatellite absolute ranging for LISA. Physical Review Applied 22, 054020 (2024)

Konferenzbeitrag (1)

Coogan, D. E.; Conroy, J.; Santiago, P.; Schwarze, T. S.; Conklin, J. W.; Clark, M. R.; Serra, P.; Tomio, H.; Belsten, N.; Cahoy, K. et al.; Hanson, J.; Stupl, J.; Mayer, D.: Development and Testing of CLICK B/C Free-Space Optical Communications Link Timing Performance. In: Proceedings of the Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications Meeting, PTTI, 2024-January. Precise Time and Time Interval Meeting, Long Beach, CA, 27. Januar 2025 - 30. Januar 2025. (angenommen)
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