Publikationen von Daniel Steinmeyer

Zeitschriftenartikel (53)

Junker, J.; Wilken, D.; Johny, N.; Steinmeyer, D.; Heurs, M.: Frequency-Dependent Squeezing from a Detuned Squeezer. Physical Review Letters 129 (3), 033602 (2022)
Junker, J.; Wilken, D.; Steinmeyer, D.; Heurs, M.: Reconstructing Gaussian bipartite states with a single polarization-sensitive homodyne detector. Optics Express 30 (19), S. 33860 - 33868 (2022)
Schweer, J.; Steinmeyer, D.; Hammerer, K.; Heurs, M.: All-optical coherent quantum-noise cancellation in cascaded optomechanical systems. Physical Review A 106 (3), 033520 (2022)
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; The Virgo Collaboration; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abraham, S.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adhikari, R. X. et al.: A Gravitational-wave Measurement of the Hubble Constant Following the Second Observing Run of Advanced LIGO and Virgo. The Astrophysical Journal 909 (2), 218 (2021)
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; The Virgo Collaboration; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abraham, S.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adhikari, R. X. et al.: Searches for Continuous Gravitational Waves from 15 Supernova Remnants and Fomalhaut b with Advanced LIGO [Erratum: 2019, ApJ, 875, 122]. The Astrophysical Journal 918 (2), 91 (2021)
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; The Virgo Collaboration; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abraham, S.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adhikari, R. X. et al.: A Gravitational-wave Measurement of the Hubble Constant Following the Second Observing Run of Advanced LIGO and Virgo [Erratum to: 2021, ApJ, 909, 218]. The Astrophysical Journal 923 (2), 279 (2021)
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; The Virgo Collaboration; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abraham, S.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adhikari, R. X.; Adya, V. B. et al.: Open data from the first and second observing runs of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo. SoftwareX 13, 100658 (2021)
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; The Virgo Collaboration; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abraham, S.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, A.; Adams, C.; Adhikari, R. X. et al.: Population Properties of Compact Objects from the Second LIGO-Virgo Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 913 (1), L7 (2021)
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; The Virgo Collaboration; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abraham, S.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, A.; Adams, C.; Adhikari, R. X. et al.: GWTC-2: Compact Binary Coalescences Observed by LIGO and Virgo During the First Half of the Third Observing Run. Physical Review X 11, 021053 (2021)
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; The Virgo Collaboration; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abraham, S.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adhikari, R. X.; Adya, V. B. et al.: Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with Gamma-Ray Bursts Detected by Fermi and Swift During the LIGO-Virgo Run O3a. The Astrophysical Journal 915 (2), 86 (2021)
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; The Virgo Collaboration; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abraham, S.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, A.; Adams, C.; Adhikari, R. X. et al.: Tests of General Relativity with Binary Black Holes from the second LIGO-Virgo Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog. Physical Review D 103 (12), 122002 (2021)
The KAGRA Collaboration; The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; The Virgo Collaboration; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abernathy, M. R.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C. et al.: Prospects for Observing and Localizing Gravitational-Wave Transients with Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo and KAGRA. Living Reviews in Relativity 23 (1), 3 (2020)
The Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor Team; The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; The Virgo Collaboration; Hamburg, R.; Fletcher, C.; Burns, E.; Goldstein, A.; Bissaldi, E.; Briggs, M. S.; Cleveland, W. H. et al.: A Joint Fermi-GBM and LIGO/Virgo Analysis of Compact Binary Mergers From the First and Second Gravitational-wave Observing Runs. The Astrophysical Journal 893 (2), 100 (2020)
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; The Virgo Collaboration; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abraham, S.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adya, V. B. et al.: An Optically Targeted Search for Gravitational Waves emitted by Core-Collapse Supernovae during the First and Second Observing Runs of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo. Physical Review D 101, 084002 (2020)
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; The Virgo Collaboration; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abraham, S.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adya, V. B. et al.: Model comparison from LIGO-Virgo data on GW170817's binary components and consequences for the merger remnant. Classical and Quantum Gravity 37 (4), 045006 (2020)
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; The Virgo Collaboration; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abraham, S.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adya, V. et al.: A guide to LIGO-Virgo detector noise and extraction of transient gravitational-wave signals. Classical and Quantum Gravity 37 (5), 055002 (2020)
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; The Virgo Collaboration; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abraham, S.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adhikari, R. X. et al.: GW190425: Observation of a Compact Binary Coalescence with Total Mass. similar to .3.4 M-circle dot. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 892 (1), L3 (2020)
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; The Virgo Collaboration; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abraham, S.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adhikari, R. X.; Adya, V. B. et al.: GW190412: Observation of a Binary-Black-Hole Coalescence with Asymmetric Masses. Physical Review D 102 (4), 043015 (2020)
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; The Virgo Collaboration; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abraham, S.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adhikari, R. X.; Adya, V. B. et al.: GW190814: Gravitational Waves from the Coalescence of a 23 Solar Mass Black Hole with a 2.6 Solar Mass Compact Object. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 896 (2), L44 (2020)
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; The Virgo Collaboration; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abraham, S.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adhikari, R. X.; Adya, V. B. et al.: Properties and astrophysical implications of the 150 Msun binary black hole merger GW190521. Astrophysical Journal, Letters 900, L13 (2020)