Publications of Anjana Ashok
All genres
Journal Article (4)
Journal Article
109 (10), 104002 (2024)
Bayesian F-statistic-based parameter estimation of continuous gravitational waves from known pulsars. Physical Review D 2.
Journal Article
519 (4), pp. 5590 - 5606 (2023)
The TRAPUM L-band survey for pulsars in Fermi-LAT gamma-ray sources. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 3.
Journal Article
923 (1), 85 (2021)
New searches for continuous gravitational waves from seven fast pulsars. The Astrophysical Journal 4.
Journal Article
902, L46 (2020)
Discovery of a Gamma-ray Black Widow Pulsar by GPU-accelerated Einstein@Home. The Astrophysical Journal Letters Working Paper (1)
Working Paper
HI and CO spectroscopy of the unusual host of GRB 171205A: A grand design spiral galaxy with a distorted HI field. (2024)