Publications of Daniel Pook-Kolb

Journal Article (11)

Journal Article
Agrell, E.; Pook-Kolb, D.; Allen, B.: Glued lattices are better quantizers than K12. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2024)
Journal Article
Khera, N.; Metidieri, A. R.; Bonga, B.; Forteza, X. J.; Krishnan, B.; Poisson, E.; Pook-Kolb, D.; Schnetter, E.; Yang, H.: Nonlinear Ringdown at the Black Hole Horizon. Physical Review Letters 131 (23), 231401 (2023)
Journal Article
Pook-Kolb, D.; Zhao, B.; Andersson, L.; Krishnan, B.; Yau, S.-T.: Properties of quasilocal mass in binary black hole mergers. Physical Review D 108 (12), 124031 (2023)
Journal Article
Booth, I.; Hennigar, R. A.; Pook-Kolb, D.: Ultimate fate of apparent horizons during a binary black hole merger I: Locating and understanding axisymmetric marginally outer trapped surfaces. Physical Review D 104 (8), 084083 (2021)
Journal Article
Mourier, P.; Forteza, X. J.; Pook-Kolb, D.; Krishnan, B.; Schnetter, E.: Quasinormal modes and their overtones at the common horizon in a binary black hole merger. Physical Review D 103 (4), 044054 (2021)
Journal Article
Pook-Kolb, D.; Booth, I.; Hennigar, R. A.: Ultimate fate of apparent horizons during a binary black hole merger. II. The vanishing of apparent horizons. Physical Review D 104 (8), 084084 (2021)
Journal Article
Pook-Kolb, D.; Hennigar, R. A.; Booth, I.: What Happens to Apparent Horizons in a Binary Black Hole Merger? Physical Review Letters 127 (18), 181101 (2021)
Journal Article
Pook-Kolb, D.; Birnholtz, O.; Krishnan, B.; Schnetter, E.: The existence and stability of marginally trapped surfaces. Physical Review D 99 (6), 064005 (2019)
Journal Article
Pook-Kolb, D.; Birnholtz, O.; Krishnan, B.; Schnetter, E.: Interior of a Binary Black Hole Merger. Physical Review Letters 123 (17), 171102 (2019)
Journal Article
Pook-Kolb, D.; Birnholtz, O.; Krishnan, B.; Schnetter, E.: Self-intersecting marginally outer trapped surfaces. Physical Review D 100 (8), 084044 (2019)
Journal Article
Pook-Kolb, D.; Giulini, D.: Numerical Approach for Corvino-Type Gluing of Brill-Lindquist Initial Data. Classical and Quantum Gravity 36 (4), 045011 (2019)

Working Paper (3)

Working Paper
Pook-Kolb, D.; Hennigar, R. A.; Booth, I.: A Pair of Pants for the Apparent Horizon. (2021)
Working Paper
Pook-Kolb, D.; Birnholtz, O.; Jaramillo, J. L.; Krishnan, B.; Schnetter, E.: Horizons in a binary black hole merger I: Geometry and area increase. (2020)
Working Paper
Pook-Kolb, D.; Birnholtz, O.; Jaramillo, J. L.; Krishnan, B.; Schnetter, E.: Horizons in a binary black hole merger II: Fluxes, multipole moments and stability. (2020)
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