Publications of Germán Fernández Barranco
All genres
Journal Article (5)
Journal Article
22, 054020 (2024)
Experimental end-to-end demonstration of intersatellite absolute ranging for LISA. Physical Review Applied 2.
Journal Article
122 (8), 081104 (2019)
Picometer-Stable Hexagonal Optical Bench to Verify LISA Phase Extraction Linearity and Precision. Physical Review Letters 3.
Journal Article
25 (7), pp. 7999 - 8010 (2017)
Phase stability of photoreceivers in intersatellite laser interferometers. Optics Express 4.
Journal Article
33 (24), 245015 (2016)
Design and construction of an optical test bed for LISA imaging systems and tilt-to-length coupling. Classical and Quantum Gravity 5.
Journal Article
55 (24), pp. 6688 - 6693 (2016)
Spatially resolved photodiode response for simulating precise interferometers. Applied Optics Conference Paper (1)
Conference Paper
716 (1), 012004, (2016)
Optical testbed for the LISA phasemeter. 11th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves (AMALDI 11), Gwangju, South Korea, June 21, 2015 - June 26, 2015. Journal of Physics: Conference Series Working Paper (1)
Working Paper
The Gravitational Universe. (2013)