August Muller

Fulbright Fellow
Astrophysikalische und Kosmologische Relativitätstheorie
Standort Potsdam
+49 331 567-7371


My research at the AEI involves predicting constraints on general relativity using ringdown tests with the upcoming LISA detector. In particular, I am investigating constraints that can be placed on the compactness and reflectivity of black hole-like compact objects from LISA-band massive black hole binary merger signals.

Here's a link to my publications from the ADS database.


I received my BS in physics (2023, magna cum laude) from Haverford College in the United States. My Bachelor's thesis consisted of code development for the LISA extreme-mass-ratio inspiral MCMC search. From 2023-2024 I was an NSF Post-Baccalaureate Research Fellow at the Maria Mitchell Observatory, investigating the host galaxies of fast radio bursts. I am currently a Fulbright Research Fellow at the Institute supervised by Dr. Elisa Maggio.

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