Zeitschriftenartikel (294)
110 (8), 084023 (2024)
Worldtube excision method for intermediate-mass-ratio inspirals: self-consistent evolution in a scalar-charge model. Physical Review D 282.
110, 083033 (2024)
Robust parameter estimation within minutes on gravitational wave signals from binary neutron star inspirals. Physical Review D 283.
109 (8), 084070 (2024)
Bridging relativistic jets from black hole scales to long-term electromagnetic radiation distances: A moving-mesh general relativistic hydrodynamics code with the HLLC Riemann solver. Physical Review D 284.
109 (12), 123034 (2024)
Enhancing gravitational wave parameter estimation with nonlinear memory: Breaking the distance-inclination degeneracy. Physical Review D 285.
22, 054020 (2024)
Experimental end-to-end demonstration of intersatellite absolute ranging for LISA. Physical Review Applied 286.
110 (2), 024024 (2024)
Convolutional Neural Networks for signal detection in real LIGO data. Physical Review D 287.
110 (10), 103034 (2024)
Searching for gravitational waves from stellar-mass binary black holes early inspiral. Physical Review D 288.
109 (8), 086015 (2024)
Phase structure and critical phenomena in 2-flavor QCD by holography. Physical Review D 289.
110 (10), 103012 (2024)
Constraints of the maximum mass of quark stars based on postmerger evolutions. Physical Review D 290.
110 (12), 124028 (2024)
Imprints of Changing Mass and Spin on Black Hole Ringdown. Physical Review D 291.
109 (10), 104050 (2024)
Nonlinear effects in black hole ringdown from scattering experiments: Spin and initial data dependence of quadratic mode coupling. Physical Review D 292.
529 (4), S. 4554 - 4564 (2024)
Formation of Lower Mass-gap Black Hole--Neutron Star Binary Mergers through Super-Eddington Stable Mass Transfer. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 293.
48, 26 (2024)
Estimation of Nekton Density and Production Enhancement from Seagrass Nursery Habitats Along Regions of the US Atlantic Coast. Estuaries and Coasts 294.
Using an ecosystem service model to inform restoration planning: A spatially explicit oyster filtration model for Pensacola Bay, Florida. Conservation Science and Practice (2024)
Buchkapitel (1)
Black-hole spectroscopy: quasinormal modes, ringdown stability and the pseudospectrum. In: Compact Objects in the Universe, S. 155 - 202 (Hg. Papantonopoulos, E.; Mavromatos, N.). Springer (2024)
Konferenzbeitrag (11)
The first joint observation by KAGRA with GEO 600. In: Proceedings of Science, 444, 1579. 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2023) - Multi Messenger and Gravitational Wave (MM&GW), Nagoya, Japan , 26. Juli 2023 - 03. August 2023. (2024)
13119. Spintronics XVII; Event: Nanoscience + Engineering, San Diego, California, United States, 18. August 2024 - 23. August 2024. (2024)
Modified Heisenberg model of spin clusters to relate to the spontaneous magnetization reversal. In: Proceedings of SPIE Volume 13119, Spintronics XVII, Bd. 298.
Quantum optical scatterings applied to photonics. In: Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 13120, Quantum Nanophotonic Materials, Devices, and Systems 2024, 1312006 . Nanoscience + Engineering, 2024, San Diego, California, United States, 18. August 2024 - 23. August 2024. (2024)
2742, 012002, (2024)
Amplification and Dissipation of Magnetic Fields in Accreting Compact Objects. 15th International Conference on Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows, Pasadena, California, United States of America, 26. Juni 2023 - 30. Juni 2023. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 300.
Radiation Tolerance of Low-Noise Photoreceivers for the LISA Space Mission. RADECS 2023, Toulouse, France, 25. September 2023 - 29. September 2023. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, (2024)