Konferenzbeitrag (47)

Aldana, C. L.: Determinants of Laplacians on non-compact surfaces. In: ANALYSIS, GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM FIELD THEORY, Bd. 584, S. 223 - 236. International Conference on Analysis, Geometry and Quantum Field Theory, Potsdam Univ, Potsdam, GERMANY, 26. September 2011 - 30. September 2011. (2012)
Aloy, M. A.; Rezzolla, L.; Giacomazzo, B.; Obergaulinger, M.: Powering Short GRBs by Mergers of Moderately Magnetized Neutron Stars. 6th International Conference of Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows (ASTRONUM 2011) , Velancia, Spain, 13. Juni 2011 - 17. Juni 2011. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series 459, S. 49 - 54 (2012)
Amaro-Seoane, P.; Aoudia, S.; Babak, S.; Binetruy, P.; Berti, E.; Bohé, A.; Caprini, C.; Colpi, M.; Cornish, N. J.; Danzmann, K. et al.; Dufaux, J.-F.; Gair, J.; Jennrich, O.; Jetzer, P.; Klein, A.; Lang, R. N.; Lobo, A.; Littenberg, T.; McWilliams, S. T.; Nelemans, G.; Petiteau, A.; Porter, E. K.; Schutz, B. F.; Sesana, A.; Stebbins, R.; Sumner, T.; Vallisneri, M.; Vitale, S.; Volonteri, M.; Ward, H.: Low-frequency gravitational-wave science with eLISA/NGO. 9th Edoardo Amaldi Meeting and the 2011 Numerical Relativity and Data Analysis Meeting (AMALDI 9/NRDA 2011), Cardiff University, 10. Juli 2011 - 15. Juli 2011. Classical and quantum gravity 29 (12), 124016, (2012)
Amaro-Seoane, P.; Sopuerta, C.; Brem, P.: Fake plunges are very eccentric real EMRIs in disguise ... they dominate the rates and are blissfully ignorant of angular momentum barriers. In: EPJ Web of Conferences, Bd. 39, 07001 . Tidal Disruption Events and AGN Outbursts , Madrid, Spain, 25. Juni 2012. (2012)
Antonucci, F.; Armano, M.; Audley, H.; Auger, G.; Benedetti, M.; Binetruy, P.; Bogenstahl, J.; Bortoluzzi, D.; Bosetti, P.; Brandt, N. et al.; Caleno, M.; Cañizares, P.; Cavalleri, A.; Cesa, M.; Chmeissani, M.; Conchillo, A.; Congedo, G.; Cristofolini, I.; Cruise, M.; Danzmann, K.; De Marchi, F.; Diaz-Aguilo, M.; Diepholz, I.; Dixon, G.; Dolesi, R.; Dunbar, N.; Fauste, J.; Ferraioli, L.; Ferrone, V.; Fichter, W.; Fitzsimons, E.; Freschi, M.; Garcia Marin, A. F.; Garcia Marirrodriga, C.; Gerndt, R.; Gesa, L.; Gilbert, F.; Giardini, D.; Grimani, C.; Grynagier, A.; Guillaume, B.; Guzman, F.; Harrison, I.; Heinzel, G.; Hernández, V.; Hewitson, M.; Hollington, D.; Hough, J.; Hoyland, D.; Hueller, M.; Huesler, J.; Jennrich, O.; Jetzer, P.; Johlander, B.; Karnesis, N.; Killow, C.; Llamas, X.; Lloro, I.; Lobo, A.; Maarschalkerweerd, R.; Madden, S.; Mance, D.; Mateos, I.; McNamara, P. W.; Mendes, J.; Mitchell, E.; Monsky, A.; Nicolini, D.; Nicolodi, D.; Nofrarias, M.; Pedersen, F.; Perreur-Lloyd, M.; Plagnol, E.; Prat, P.; Racca, G. D.; Ramos-Castro, J.; Reiche, J.; Romera Perez, J. A.; Robertson, D.; Rozemeijer, H.; Sanjuan, J.; Schleicher, A.; Schulte, M.; Shaul, D.; Stagnaro, L.; Strandmoe, S.; Steier, F.; Sumner, T. J.; Taylor, A.; Texier, D.; Trenkel, C.; Tu, H.-B.; Vitale, S.; Wanner, G.; Ward, H.; Waschke, S.; Wass, P.; Weber, W. J.; Ziegler, T.; Zweifel, P.: The LISA Pathfinder mission. 9th Edoardo Amaldi Meeting and the 2011 Numerical Relativity and Data Analysis Meeting (AMALDI 9/NRDA 2011), Cardiff University, 10. Juli 2011 - 15. Juli 2011. Classical and quantum gravity 29 (12), 124014, (2012)
Baratin, A.; Oriti, D.: Ten questions on Group Field Theory (and their tentative answers). Loops 11: Non-Perturbative / Background Independent Quantum Gravity, Madrid, Spain, 23. Mai 2011 - 28. Mai 2011. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 360, 012002, (2012)
Behr, N.; Fredenhagen, S.: Variable transformation defects. String-Math 2011 , UPenn, Philadelphia, 06. Juni 2011 - 11. Juni 2011. Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics 85, (2012)
Benedetti, D.; Speziale, S.: Perturbative running of the Immirzi parameter. Loops 11: Non-Perturbative / Background Independent Quantum Gravity, Madrid, 23. Mai 2011 - 28. Mai 2011. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 360, 012011, (2012)
Blanchet, L.; Buonanno, A.; Faye, G.: Third post-Newtonian spin-orbit effect in the gravitational radiation flux of compact binaries. In: ASP Conference Series, Vol. 467, S. 215 - 220 (Hg. Astronomical Society of the Pacific). 9th LISA Symposium, Paris. (2012)
Calcagni, G.: Inflationary spectra and observations in loop quantum cosmology. Loops 11: Non-Perturbative / Background Independent Quantum Gravity, Madrid, Spain, 23. Mai 2011 - 28. Mai 2011. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 360, 012027, (2012)
Caravelli, F.: Curved geometry and Graphs. Loops 11: Non-Perturbative / Background Independent Quantum Gravity, Madrid, Spain, 23. Mai 2011 - 28. Mai 2011. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 360, 012039, (2012)
Carrozza, S.: Singular topologies in the Boulatov model. Loops 11: Non-Perturbative / Background Independent Quantum Gravity. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 360, 012045, (2012)
Casals, M.; Dolan, S.; Ottewill, A. C.; Wardell, B.: Method of Matched Expansions & the Singularity Structure of the Green Function. In: The Twelfth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics and Relativistic Field Theories. Part B: Proceedings of the MG12 Meeting on General Relativity, Bd. 12B, S. 844 - 847 (Hg. Damour, T.; Jantzen , R. T.; Ruffini, R.). Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics and Relativistic Field Theories ; 12 / MG Meeting on General Relativity ; 12, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France, 12. August 2009 - 18. August 2009. World Scientific, Singapore [u.a.] (2012)
Di Palma, I.; ANTARES Collaboration; LIGO Scientic Collaboration; Virgo Collaboration: First joint analysis between Gravitational Waves and High Energy Neutrinos using LIGO, Virgo and ANTARES data. 12th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP 2011), Munich, Germany, 05. September 2011 - 09. September 2011. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 375, 062002, (2012)
Dittrich, B.; Eckert, F. C.: Towards computational insights into the large-scale structure of spin foams. Loops 11: Non-Perturbative / Background Independent Quantum Gravity, Madrid, Spain, 23. Mai 2011 - 28. Mai 2011. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 360, 012004, (2012)
Finazzi, S.; Liberati, S.; Sindoni, L.: The analogue cosmological constant in Bose-Einstein condensates: a lesson for quantum gravity. In: Analogue spacetimes: The first thirty years (Hg. Cardoso, V.M.S.). II Amazonian Symposium on Physics, Para, Brazil, 31. Mai 2011 - 03. Juni 2011. (eingereicht)
Gielen, S.: 2-point functions in quantum cosmology. Loops 11: Non-Perturbative / Background Independent Quantum Gravity, Madrid, 23. Mai 2011 - 28. Mai 2011. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 360, 012029, (2012)
Gielen, S.; Oriti, D.: Discrete and continuum third quantization of Gravity. In: Quantum Field Theory and Gravity: Conceptual and Mathematical Advances in the Search for a Unified Framework Finster, F.; Mueller, O.; Nardmann, M.; Tolksdorf, J.; Zeidler, E. (Eds.) (Hg. Finster, F.; Mueller, O.; Nardmann, M.; Tolksdorf, J.; Zeidler, E.). Quantum Field Theory and Gravity Conference, Regensburg , 28. September 2010 - 01. Oktober 2010. Springer, Basel (2012)
Hennig, J.; Neugebauer, G.: Non-existence of stationary two-black-hole configurations. In: The Twelfth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, S. 1756 - 1758 (Hg. Damour, T.; Jantzen , R. T.). 12th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Paris, 12. Juli 2009 - 18. Juli 2009. World Scientific, Singapore (2012)
Hooper, S.; Wen, L.; Hanna, C.; Cannon, K.; Keppel, D.; Blair, D.; Chung, S.-K.; Singer, L.; Chen, Y.: Progress on the Low-Latency Inspiral Gravitational Wave Detection algorithm known as SPIIR. 9th Edoardo Amaldi conference on gravitational waves (Amaldi 9) and the 2011 Numerical Relativity – Data Analysis meeting (NRDA 2011) , Cardiff, 10. Juli 2011 - 15. Juli 2011. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 363, 012027, (2012)
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