Publications of Klemens Hammerer

Journal Article (53)

Journal Article
Sawadsky, A.; Kaufer, H.; Nia, R. M.; Tarabrin, S.; Khalili, F. Y.; Hammerer, K.; Schnabel, R.: Observation of generalized optomechanical coupling and cooling on cavity resonance. Physical Review Letters 114, 043601 (2015)
Journal Article
Vogell, B.; Kampschulte, T.; Rakher, M. T.; Faber, A.; Treutlein, P.; Hammerer, K.; Zoller, P.: Long Distance Coupling of a Quantum Mechanical Oscillator to the Internal States of an Atomic Ensemble. New Journal of Physics 17, 043044 (2015)
Journal Article
Wieczorek, W.; Hofer, S. G.; Hoelscher-Obermaier, J.; Riedinger, R.; Hammerer, K.; Aspelmeyer, M.: Optimal state estimation for cavity optomechanical systems. Physical Review Letters 114, 223601 (2015)
Journal Article
Acernese, F.; Barone, F.; Bell, A. S.; Bergmann, G.; Blair, D.; Born, M.; Brown, D.; Chen, X.; Danilishin, S. L.; Degallaix, J. et al.; Denker, T.; Virgilio, A. D.; Frajuca, C.; Friedrich, D.; Fulda, P.; Grote, H.; Huttner, S. H.; Kato, J.; Köhlenbeck, S.; Leavey, S.; Luck, H.; Nakano, M.; Palmer, R. N.; Punturo, M.; Raffai, P.; Schuette, D.; Simakov, D.; Slagmolen, B. J. J.; Somiya, K.; Steinlechner, S.; Steinlechner, J.; Tarabrin, S.; Wade, A. R.; Wang, M.; Westphal, T.; Zhao, C.; Adhikari, R. X.; Adier, M.; Agatsuma, K.; Barr, B. W.; Bassiri, R.; Bauchrowitz, J.; Blair, C.; Bond, C.; Bongs, K.; Bortoli, F. S.; Cagnoli, G.; Calia, P.; Canonico, R.; Carbone, L.; Chua, S. S. Y.; Coccia, E.; Cripe, J.; Cunningham, L.; Danzmann, K.; Rosa, R. D.; Fafone, V.; Fejer, M. M.; Flaminio, R.; Fontaine, J. P.; Forest, D.; Freise, A.; Furusawa, A.; Garufi, F. S.; Giordano, G.; Gondán, L.; Gordon, N.; Goßler, S.; Gräf, C.; Granata, M.; Hammerer, K.; Heng, I. S.; Heurs, M.; Hild, S.; Hirobayashi, S.; Hough, J.; Ju, L.; Kaufer, H.; Kawamura, H.; Kawamura, S.; Kelecsényi, N.; Khalaidovski, A.; Khalili, F. Y.; Kuroda, K.; Loddo, G.; Logue, J.; Ma, Y.; Macarthur, J.; Magalhaes, N. S.; Majorana, E.; Malvezzi, V.; Márka, S.; Márka, Z.; Martin, I.; McClelland, D. E.; Meinders, M.; Michel, C.; Miller, J.; Morgado, N.; Müller-Ebhardt, H.; Naticchioni, L.; Nguyen, T. T.-H.; Perciballi, M.; Pinard, L.; Puppo, P.; Rapagnani, P.; Ricci, F.; Risson, P.; Rocchi, A.; Rocco, E.; Romano, R.; Route, R. K.; Rowan, S.; Sakata, S.; Schnabel, R.; Shaddock, D. A.; Sorazu, B.; Stefszky, M. S.; Steinmeyer, D.; Strain, K. A.; Voronchev, N. V.; Ward, R. L.; Wimmer, M.: Concepts and research for future detectors. General Relativity and Gravitation 46, 1700 (2014)
Journal Article
Lörch, N.; Qian, J.; Clerk, A.; Marquardt, F.; Hammerer, K.: Laser Theory for Optomechanics: Limit Cycles in the Quantum Regime. Physical Review X 4, 011015 (2014)
Journal Article
Nimmrichter, S.; Hornberger, K.; Hammerer, K.: Optomechanical sensing of spontaneous wave-function collapse. Physical Review Letters 113, 020405 (2014)
Journal Article
Wan, Y.; Gebert, F.; Wübbena, J. B.; Scharnhorst, N.; Amairi, S.; Leroux, I. D.; Hemmerling, B.; Lörch, N.; Hammerer, K.; Schmidt, P. O.: Precision spectroscopy by photon-recoil signal amplification. Nature Communications 5, 4096 (2014)
Journal Article
Wimmer, M.; Steinmeyer, D.; Hammerer, K.; Heurs, M.: Coherent Cancellation of Backaction Noise in optomechanical Force Measurements. Physical Review A 89, 053836 (2014)
Journal Article
Muschik, C. A.; Hammerer, K.; Polzik, E. S.; Cirac, J. I.: Quantum Teleportation of Dynamics and Effective Interactions between Remote Systems. Physical Review Letters 111 (2), 020501 (2013)
Journal Article
Hammerer, K.: Quantum Mechanics Tackles Mechanics. Science 342 (6159), pp. 702 - 703 (2013)
Journal Article
Hammerer, K.: Nanomechanical resonators: Spinning oscillators. Nature Physics 9 (8), pp. 462 - 463 (2013)
Journal Article
Hofer, S. G.; Vasilyev, D. V.; Aspelmeyer, M.; Hammerer, K.: Time-Continuous Bell Measurements. Physical Review Letters 111, 170404 (2013)
Journal Article
Vasilyev, D. V.; Muschik, C. A.; Hammerer, K.: Dissipative versus Conditional Generation of Gaussian Entanglement and Spin Squeezing. Physical Review A 87, 053820 (2013)

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Hofer, S. G.; Hammerer, K.: Quantum Control of Optomechanical Systems. In: Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Vol. 66, pp. 263 - 374 (Eds. Arimondo , E.; Lin, C. C.; Yelin, S. F.). Elsevier, San Diego (2017)
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