Guglielmo Faggioli

Astrophysikalische und Kosmologische Relativitätstheorie
Standort Potsdam


My current work is collocated across the study of semi-analytical waveform modelling methods of binary systems, especially the effective-one-body approach, and black holes perturbation theory. In particular my main project concerns the employment of Teukolsky codes in order to get exact results for the waveforms emitted by binary systems in the small mass ratio limit, which can be used as a laboratory to test and improve the performances of semi-analytical methods.

Here's a link to my publications from INSPIRE.


2013-2016: Bachelor Degree in Physics at the Università degli Studi di Torino.
2016 - 2019: Master Degree in Theoretical Physics at the Università degli Studi di Torino, with a thesis in Cosmology under the supervision of Professors Stefano Camera and Nicolao Fornengo.
Summer 2017: Research internship at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics of Heidelberg, where I worked on gamma rays emission from Vela X pulsar-wind-nebula detected through the Fermi-LAT experiment. Supervised by Professors Luigi Tibaldo, Roberta Zanin, Jim A. Hinton and Raffaella Bonino.
2019 - 2020: Master Degree in Mathematical and Physical Methods for Space Sciences at the Università degli Studi di Torino, with a thesis on new validation methods for Deep Learning models carried at the AIKO: Autonomous Space Missions company in Turin.
2020 - 2022: Full time Deep Learning Research Scientist at AIKO: Autonomous Space Missions based in Turin.

From February 2022 I am a PhD student in the Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity research group at the AEI, under the supervision of Professor Alessandra Buonanno.

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